pregnancy week by week

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


I'm on my fourth straight day of positive OPKs. I usually get two positives--the day before and the day of o. I think my o day was Sunday based on my CM and CP, but here it is Tuesday and my darn tests are still blazingly positive (MUCH more positive than the set of tests I posted before. Now I know how these tests look when they're positive!).

It's so typical that weird things would happen when I decide to put the thermometer away for a cycle. ;)

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Annoying signs!!!

I decided not to temp this cycle. I really stress myself out. So I thought I'd get some OPKs to help me determine when I ovulate, just so I have some idea. Turns out, that might be more stressful than just not knowing. They have all been almost positive!! How does that happen??

These were taken (in order) on day 10 at 12:30pm, day 11 at 12:30pm, day 12 at 11:30am and 3:30pm, and day 13 at 12:30pm and 7pm.


My CM and CP were fertile on days 11 and 12, and now everything is closed and dried up (wow, TMI) as if I've already o'd. But I haven't had a blazingly positive OPK.

I've never used this brand before, so I guess I'm just learning how they work for me. But I have to say this is annoying.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Okay, done with the pity party!

The day I got the semen analysis results, I was pretty upset. But I'm okay now. It's fine. :)

I took the soy on days 1-5, like I planned, and lowered the dose from 160mg to 120mg. I'm taking Mucinex every 4 hours, and it seems to be helping with the CM. I want to try Preseed, a lubricant that is supposed to be sperm friendly and help out if you don't have much, but we don't have a nearby store that carries it, so I would have to order it. I'm hoping for an early-ish ovulation since I took the soy, and my OPKs are already almost positive. So I'm not going to attempt to order something that I can't be sure will make it here on time. If we don't get pregnant this cycle, Hazen is going to Texas for two months, so I will spend that time getting our referrals and ordering Preseed and fun things like that. It will work out. :)

Hazen is taking his supplements and will continue to do so while he's in Texas. I'm taking all my vitamins and doing what I'm supposed to also. We won't be able to go to Missoula. There is no way I'm abstaining while I'm possibly fertile (no sex allowed for 2-7 days before a S/A) and after that we'll be moving and changing doctors and everything anyway. So we'll have to pay for one when in a couple of months when he gets back in. No biggie.

Just gotta stay optimistic. :)

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Repeat S/A came back

And the results aren't good. :( His count and everything is up (yay!) but his motility is still really low--41%. "Normal" is between 40-100 with 50% or higher being preferred. His liquefaction is also not normal. It should turn to a liquid state within 30 minutes, and his doesn't do that. So we have to go to Missoula (about 100 miles away) and have a more thorough test done.

So, I'm going to have us try a couple of things. Both of us are going to take Robitussin. It can help thin out my mucus around ovulation a little more so that if his little swimmers can make it to my CM, then the fact that his semen doesn't liquify won't be a big deal. He can take Robitussin to help thin his semen a little bit as well, which will hopefully help his little guys swim a little better. He's also going to take L-Carnitine and Zinc supplements.

That's all we can do. I don't know what else to try. IUI isn't an option right now, we can't afford it. I just can't believe this has been so hard. There are all sorts of questionable people that can get knocked up over and over again. And I can't. I don't understand it sometimes. I know there must be a reason, but sometimes it's hard to remember that.

Monday, November 30, 2009


My friend got her numbers back--beta was 213! That's a doubling time of less than 44 hours, which is so completely perfect!


Updates, updates

My period showed Wednesday afternoon. Because of that, there was no chance for Clomid this cycle. Not enough notice to get in on CD 1, Thanksgiving was CD 2, and we were out of town on CD 3. Oh well--hopefully it's a sign that things are going to go fine on their own. ;)

Hazen did his repeat semen analysis on Wednesday. If the results are the same or better we're going to try SMEP--the sperm meets egg plan. If it's worse, we'll keep doing every-other-day and start our IUI fund.

SMEP is basically having sex every other day. You start taking OPKs around day 10 (I'll probably wait until day 12 since the odds of me ovulating between day 10 and 12 are about zero!!) and then "baby dance" the day of the positive OPK and the two following days. After that, we'll keep it up for every-other-day until either a positive pregnancy test--FINGERS CROSSED!!--or my next period.

I'm not going to chart. It was stressing me out. I will monitor my CM and CP, and will also be taking Mucinex or Robitussin starting on day 13 to help with my fertile CM. The plan is to not take a pregnancy test until 15 days after my first positive OPK. I am going to get the 20 pack of Answer dip strip OPKs because those 7 packs never end up being enough for me. The catch with those is that you have to use the entire pack within 30 days of opening the package. So I will use them up even after I know I've ovulated. I had positive OPKs the same day I got a positive digital with Ian, so it will be my way of testing without actually testing. I'm so sneaky. ;)

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Still waiting on the witch

But I'm pretty sure she'll be here today. Temp was down another .2 degrees and I'm feeling pretty crampy and nauseas. I'll just be happy to see the end of this cycle and get on to the next one. Fertility Friend has changed my crosshairs FOUR TIMES this cycle. Started on Day 11 (which I didn't believe), then to Day 19 (that seemed more realistic), then yesterday it went to Day 23, and then today moved it to Day 21. So I am between 12 and 24dpo. I'm ready to just move on. ;)

Well, there was talk that maybe I could do the Clomid before the repeat S/A. But since I have to have an ultrasound between day 1 and 3, it's not going to happen. I expect my wonderful period to start today, but since it hasn't yet, it's likely it will start too late to get in for an ultrasound today. Tomorrow is a holiday, and day 3 will be spent 100 miles away at my dad's. So, no ultrasound means no Clomid. Which is okay. Our original plan was to wait until the new year, so we'll just stick with that plan. I'm hoping my charts have enough info in them that the Air Force won't give me a hard time when it comes to making appointments and getting treatment and all that. If we get Malmstrom I suspect it will be easier. They were great about getting us in within a couple of days when Ian and I moved up here while Hazen was deployed. Nellis was bad...they wanted me to wait three weeks to get an ultrasound when I had already been bleeding for 6 weeks (I had the first post partum period from Hell...). So it all depends on the base how quickly things will go...come on Malmstrom!

I'm in a much better mood today. I let myself get too hopeful this last cycle, so the "no" was a little harder than usual to take. That's okay. I've learned from it, I won't make that mistake again! I'm thinking I won't even chart this next cycle. Just go with the flow and see what happens. It sounds relaxing. ;)

Monday, November 23, 2009

No Clomid

They want us to do a repeat semen analysis before we can do the Clomid. Hazen had already planned to do that this Wednesday, but since we have to wait on the results and I am 14dpo...there is no way I can start it this next cycle. They also want me to come in for an ultrasound between days 1 and 3 before I can start the Clomid to make sure everything looks good. The plus side is that I am luteal phase has been averaging 10 to 12 days, and this is two cycles in a row of at least 13 days. Not bad!

Waiting for Clomid sucks for a couple of reasons. The main one is that we should have orders within the next couple of weeks. Which means we're moving and I won't have my doctor anymore. Which means I'll likely be at the mercy of military doctors and have to start everything FROM THE BEGINNING. I will have to see my primary care doctor and get a referral to an OB or RE. I will possibly have to do more testing despite the fact that I've already had it done. Since everything has to be done on specific cycle days, the testing alone can put us back a couple of cycles (and this is after we wait for our referral). So if we can even start Clomid before the 6 month mark that endo "generally" starts to come back, it will be amazing. And then of course it sucks because this is a decision we've been struggling with and we've finally made it and now we get to wait.

Oh well. All we can do is keep trying. ;)

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Tough week

I tested on Friday--Big Fat Negative. Sigh. I was only 11dpo, and I know that's early and there is a chance I could still get a positive this cycle (as long as I don't have my period there is a chance) but I'm really not feeling it anymore. I'm 13dpo right now and thought I would re-test today, but I don't think I will. I have no real desire to do so. Plus, my temp has been down a little the last two days (not a lot--from 98.8 to 98.6) but I'm really crampy and my boobs are starting to hurt--sure signs that af is on the way. I think I will test again on Tuesday if my period doesn't start by then. But my luteal phase is normally 12 days, so I expect it to be here today or tomorrow. Hopefully she's at least nice to me this month. Last month was bad.

So, we've decided to do Clomid. I'm going to call tomorrow to get the prescription called in and find out what kind of monitoring I'll be under, if any. I don't think my doctor monitors for the first couple of cycles. I'm pretty sure he'll just have me do 50mg days 3-7 and then if I don't get pregnant, we'll bump it up to 100mg the next cycle (that seems to be the standard). After that, we might start monitoring to see what the ol' ovaries are up to during the cycle. The crappy thing with endo is that it's possible that Clomid can make it grow back faster. I have a mild case, so hopefully it's not a problem.

I think I've figured out why I keep putting off the Clomid. He told me in July he would call it in, but because of the blocked tube, there was no way to be sure of the results. So I decided to wait to have the tube fixed. Then, in September, we got the tube fixed, the endo diagnosed and cauterized, and felt so optimistic. The plan was to wait until 2010 to go for the Clomid. But now? the real reason I'm putting it off until 2010 is that I'm afraid it won't work. If it doesn't work, then what? Then we try IUI. What if that doesn't work? IVF? We've already decided that's further than we want to go. So it's scary. It's like we're checking off things that don't work. And the more we check off, the less we have left. So yes, I haven't started Clomid yet because I'm afraid of it.

Hazen has been confident this entire 19 (almost 20!!!) months. He keeps telling me not to worry so much about it, that it will happen. This cycle, I felt so sure it was "it" that I blabbed it to him. So when I tested, we were both crushed. For the first time, he was willing to talk about it, and he's scared, too. I feel bad for dragging him into my madness. Yesterday he asked me how much infertility Tricare (military insurance) covers. I asked him if he was starting to worry that we weren't going to be able to get pregnant and he said "I don't know. Maybe". So my rock is starting to crumble, and I'm partially to blame. Sucks.

And I was just saying that I'm too "new" in the infertility thing to fit in there and too far into it to fit in with the normal "FINALLY after four months I'm pregnant!!" girls (yes, they say that...finally. Psssh). But we're heading into month 20 in a week. I'm starting to fit more into the infertility group than I wanted to.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Update to the possible "symptoms"

Yesterday I had extreme heartburn after lunch. I never get heartburn. We still have the same TUMS in the cupboard from the end of my pregnancy with Ian (when I actually did get heartburn...we should probably toss those). Probably nothing, but I'd like to note it in case it is something.

Today I'm starving. Although when pregnant with Ian I had NO appetite in the beginning. So we'll see what that means.

Testing tonight...very nervous.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Realized I have a tiny dilemma...

When/if I finally get pregnant, we don't plan to make the big announcement until 12 weeks (although if it happens this month, I may cave around Christmas). So I'm not really sure how to handle it on my blog. Since I'm pretty sure I only have a couple of readers, I think I might block this and "invite" people to read it. I thought about just not posting anymore, but that would give me away. Hmm.

BTW, I didn't test yesterday. I'm going to test tomorrow evening (11dpo). My temp is still WAY UP and I'm still feeling funky. i had another weird dream last night, so I hope it means something. The cramping at this point makes me uneasy, though. At 2dpo, it was kind of exciting; at 10dpo, it makes me think my cycle is coming to an end. Sigh.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Oh goodness, I am a mess

I try not to be that person that obsesses during the 2ww. But it is all I can think about right now. I don't know why, I just have a really good feeling. I've had good feelings in the past, but this is a really strong good feeling. To the point that I want to test. At 9dpo.

I can't think of anything else. I'm just staring at the clock waiting for noon to come around. I plan to buy a test during my break this afternoon to use at 4pm. I'm so early, it's really unlikely I'd get a positive. But my chart is starting to go triphasic. Which it's never done.

Oh me, oh my. This has been a long 2ww. I thought I was 8 days further than I am until two days ago. I am now 17 days into what I thought was my 2ww, so not testing at this point is HARD.

I'm losing my mind. Completely and totally losing it.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Getting Hopeful

I'm really feeling optimistic about this cycle. I was pretty down for awhile, but I feel really good and hopeful now. I hope I'm not setting myself up for disappointment!

Fertility friend, the charting software that I use, put my ovulation date at day 11. I tried soy isoflavones for the fourth time, but the first time in over a year from the last time I tried it. My past experience was that with 160mg for 5 days in the beginning of the cycle, I would ovulate 10 days after the last dose. I took the 160mg from days 2-6 and ovulated on day...11?? Didn't seem right, but temps were up (mostly). I did have a lot of left side cramping on days 18 and 19, along with low temperatures, that made me think maybe I was just then ovulating. It was very confusing.

I started testing at 10dpo, and got negatives at 10dpo, 11dpo, 12dpo, and 14dpo. That 14dpo and no period is what really made me think that I ovulated later than I thought. Today, I would be period and negative tests at 14dpo just doesn't seem right. After talking to some friends who have given soy a try (AND gotten pregnant on it!) it seems that it can really make your cycle look strange and they both had charts showing ovulation earlier than it actually happened. So that gives me hope.

So, I adjusted my o date to day 19 instead of 11. I think it looks right. And here, I am going to list my temps and my "symptoms" (at least what I hope is symptoms!!).

Symptoms (WAY TMI to follow!):
First, we bd'd (babydanced) the day of ovulation, 2 days before, and 3 days before. Not bad timing! I have also been PMSy since around day 20, so what I think was 1dpo. Cramps started around day 22, or 3dpo.

1dpo: Temp 98.5 (my average post o temp is 98.3 with one or two that vary between 98.1-98.6)
2dpo: Temp 98.4
3dpo: Temp 98.6. I woke up with a nose bleed and my my morning pee smelled stong.
4dpo: Temp 98.5
5dpo: This day doesn't count. Temp was 99.0 but I had lots of "Poor me" drinks the night before because I'd had a negative test and thought my period was coming...oops
6dpo: Temp 98.7
7dpo: Temp 98.6. A couple of vivid dreams. I woke up from an orgasm in my sleep (has only happened to me once--I was about 6 months or so pregnant with Ian), and also dreamt I had lots of positive "Internet Cheapie" pregnancy tests. Had very strong cramping all morning, probably from the middle of the night embarrassing!
8dpo: Temp 98.9. More vivid dreams about positive pregnancy tests, this time Answer brand. They were VERY positive despite having negatives 3 days before. There were some people I recognized there--a dear friend from a message board and a past contestant from The Biggest Loser.'s hoping!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Well, surprise, surprise

14dpo and a negative pregnancy test. Seriously wish my period would just show so I could move on to the next cycle (and so I could stop PMSing!).

My cycle is playing with me

My temp is still way up. I am now 14dpo. My normal luteal phase length is 10-12 days, though last cycle was 13. I had a negative test at 12dpo, and at that point pretty much decided there is no way I am pregnant. My cervix was partially open that day, too, which happens a day or two before my period arrives. However, it went back to being firm and closed yesterday, which is very confusing. I've been having cramps since 12dpo that feel like my period is starting. It concerns me a little bit because the constant cramping was one of my endometriosis symptoms. I'm getting paranoid that the endo is coming back already, but it shouldn't be. Not this quickly. I really don't want to have another surgery any time soon.

So now I'm sitting here playing the maybe game with myself, which is so ridiculous. I can't be pregnant. I just can't be. There are too many signs saying that my period is coming. But the fact that it's a day late and my temperatures are so high (98.7 this morning and 99.1 last night before bed!) makes me wonder.

And then part of me kind of hopes I'm not because I'll feel like a slimeball. We got some yummy drinks to try on Friday night and I had a few too many (oops...yummy shots are a bad idea). My temp on Saturday was 99.0, but I credit that to the alcohol (again, oops) and discarded it.

Sigh. I should just take my last test and get it over with. But I kind of like this hope I have going on, and odds are that will end as soon as I pee on that last test...ugh.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

And temp is back up...

So I'm thouroghly confused now. My temp has shot back up to 98.5 today, but I had absolutely no fertile signs yesterday.

So, my new theory is this (it's a good one, lol):

Saturday night/Sunday morning I was up until 4:30am (Monopoly tournament...ugh). I temp between 6:30 and 7:00. That morning, I temped at 7:20, less than three hours after I went to bed--temp was 97.8. I temped again 2 hours later and it was 98.3. I used the first temp since it was closest to my normal temping time BUT now I'm wondering if I should have used the second temp since it was taken after almost 5 hours of sleep instead of 3. Hmm.

Yesterday, Monday, temp was 97.9. Still very low BUT if my temp on Sunday should have been higher (98.something) then I could look at it with optimism and think "Hmm...implantation dip?".

Temp being waaaay up today with no fertile signs yesterday makes me think I did o on CD 11 like my chart shows. I'm hoping to wait until tomorrow to test. I will be 10dpo, when I got my positive digi with Ian, and I will see if my temp stays up and gives credibility to my new theory.

I hope I've ovulated. I was so disappointed yesterday.

Monday, November 9, 2009


I'm very annoyed. My chart is disgusting looking all of a sudden. I went from a 98.6 temp on Saturday to 97.8 on Sunday. Today is 97.9. I'm starting to think I didn't ovulate at all, unfortunately. I'm only 8dpo, so it's too early for it to be a pre-period temp drop. But an "implantation dip" generally only lasts one day. My cervix is still totally closed and i have no CM. So I'm feeling pretty bummed and like I'm "out" this cycle. Sucks.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Thinking maybe I did o

My temp is still up. Very weird. My CP is still closed and my CM is non-existent. I'm still skeptical, of course. I took the soy with the "hope" of an earlier o, but to me that meant day 16 (today). That is what I expected, NOT day 11. So I'll keep watching and waiting, but there is a definite temp shift. Weird, weird, weird.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Daylight savings? Not impressed

It's very hard to chart during this whole daylight savings thing. I normally take my temp between 6:30 and 7. On Sunday, I temped at 6 to attempt to make up for the time change--temp was 98.0, a pre-o temp for me. Monday, I temped at 6 again--temp was 98.3! Today, temped at 6:15--98.3 again, and also at 7--98.5. I used the 6:15 temp, but was curious what my "normal" time temp would look like since I passed out right away after temping at 6:15.

So, there could be a couple of things happening. I may have ovulated VERY early--CD 11, to be exact. Or Daylight Savings could really be messing with me. I did take soy from days 2-6 this cycle, and in the past I have ovulated 10 days after my last dose. Based on that information, I was expecting to ovulate on Friday of this week, not on Sunday.

Guess I'll wait and see what happens over the next couple of days. I'm taking Evening Primrose Oil to help with my CM, but you're not supposed to take it after ovulation. I'll go ahead and stop taking it just in case, but I am extremely doubtful that I have already ovulated.

Friday, October 30, 2009

I'm a tiny bit bummed, but mostly okay

My third friend is pregnant and having a baby before I even get pregnant. All three of them started trying after we did, too. One of them, my beautiful sister-in-law, even had twins. There is a girl on one of my TTC message boards that is 22 weeks pregnant. A couple of weeks before she got her positive, I had those three nasty false positives on the blue Equates. If those had been real, I'd be 24 weeks and we'd know what we were having!

I feel optimistic for the coming cycles, I really do. But it's still hard to watch person after person get pregnant AND deliver after we've been trying so long. And the crazy thing is that 18 1/2 months is NOT a very long time in the infertile world. I've been trying too long to fit in with the fertile people and not quite long enough to fit in with the infertile people. I really don't want to have to try any longer though. Really, this has been long enough!

I did go ahead and try the 160mg of soy again. I used it from days 2-6, so if it has the same effect as a year ago, I should ovulate around CD 16, so in a week. We're bd'ing (baby dancing, lol) every other day. That should mean bd the day before o which is when I believe I got pregnant with Ian. I might cheat and bd the day of o also. If it actually happens on day 16, it won't hurt to get a couple extra in there. It's not like I need them saved up for after o, KWIM?

I'm also taking Evening Primrose Oil from the start of the cycle to ovulation. It's supposed to help with CM production (and it seems to be doing it's job!) and also supposed to help with my cramps. I hope it works!

We did make a decision--no IVF. I can't do it. Morally I just don't know how I feel about it. I don't fault others for doing it, but I just don't think I can. I do believe that all those fertilized embryos are babies. And I couldn't be faced with the possibility of selective reduction. I think that is the absolute worst thing. To try so hard, to spend so much, and then to CHOOSE to abort one or more babies? My personal opinion is that if you're going to implant more than one embryo, you had better be able to handle the consequences. Reducing is so cruel. It makes my tummy hurt.

So, yes. No IVF. We will try IUI if it comes to that, but we won't go any further. If I don't get pregnant in the next year or so, once we're more settled we will start to pursue adoption. We want to adopt regardless, so we're okay with going that route. I just hate the thought of never being pregnant or having a newborn again (we wouldn't likely adopt a baby--we'd like to adopt siblings or other hard to place children). But that's my selfishness, and I just need to get past it.

So it will be fine. We'll get pregnant soon. And all the pregnancies and births before mine won't matter. The goal is to have a baby, not necessarily to have one first. And if we don't have a baby, that's okay, too. A house full of happy kids is really all I want. Doesn't matter how they get there.

Friday, October 23, 2009

New cycle!

Well, the witch showed. I'm totally okay with it, though. I had a 13 day lp, which I've never had, and I didn't have cramping for a week prior like I have in the past. I think that was probably one of my endometriosis pains that I saw as "normal". When you feel like that every month for years, you really don't consider that it might not be something that you should be feeling! The cramping from my period itself was BAD, the worst it's been since before Ian was born. But I've read the first 2 or 3 after the surgery will be like that, so I'm not too concerned. The flow is much less than "normal", too, which is really awesome.

So, I'm onto the next cycle. I'm going to try soy isoflavones once more since it did make me ovulate early 2 of the 3 times I took it (and the third time was my fault...I upped my dose and didn't ovulate until day 24). I'll probably make an appointment with my doctor this month to discuss Clomid for next cycle, too. We'll see what I decide to do.

Hazen is supposed to do his repeat semen analysis today...let's see if he sticks to it!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

More negatives

Yesterday and today I had super faint lines on my "ICs". Today's was darker than yesterdays and my temperature shot up today so I went ahead and bought some Clear Blue digitals--negative. If my temp is still up tomorrow (my luteal phase is between 10 and 12 days...tomorrow will be day 13), I will test with one of my ICs and another digital. I'm really not expecting too much at this point, though. I know I'm still technically "early" but since I had positives with Ian 2 days

There is always next month, right? ;)

Monday, October 19, 2009

Driving myself crazy

I tested yesterday--negative. I was only 10 days past ovulation, but I had a positive digital test with Ian at 10dpo, so I thought I'd give it a try. I have that big dip at 8dpo, and my temps have been staying up the last few days. I had some serious cramping last night and thought my period was coming, but nothing has happened and my temp is still up.

I'll test again at lunch. I ordered 25 "internet cheapies" (pregnancy test strips) a couple of months ago and have 12 left. I should hold off until at least tomorrow, but I can't. I asked Hazen to hide them from me last week and he apparently forgot because they are still right where I left them. I don't plan to remind least not until next month. ;)

Friday, October 16, 2009

My chart is messing with me

I can't be pregnant. I mean, really, the odds are so minimal. Unprotected sex 4 and 5 days before ovulation, protected the day before, and unprotected the day after. It's SO unlikely. But the first week after ovulating my temps have been almost completely flat, hovering right around 98.3 (with one temp of 98.2). I thought my thermometer was dying. Then today, I wake up and my temp is 97.9! HUGE dip, well below my coverline. I know this doesn't necessarily mean anything, but now I'm hoping it's an "implantation dip". I'm so anxious to see what my temp does tomorrow, it's ridiculous. I'm only 8 days past ovulation. Too early for my period to be coming (even for me, it's too early) so I'm sure the temp dip isn't from that. I was having a lot of cramping yesterday, but with endometriosis that's not unusual for me. I generally cramp for the entire 10-12 days between ovulation and my period.

I think I'll test on Sunday. I was going to try and hold out until Tuesday, but I really don't see that happening at this point. Sunday will be 10dpo. I had light positives with Ian at 7dpo and a positive digital at 10dpo. So that's a good day to test I have decided.

Ugh...I can't believe I do this to myself. Even when I'm sure I can't be, I convince myself that maybe I am.

Friday, October 9, 2009

This Cycle is a Bust

The plan was to "DTD" (do the deed) every other day. We got off on the week of ovulation, then with Hazen possibly going back into the Air Force, TTC (trying to concieve) was being put on hold so we USED PROTECTION on my most fertile day. Looks like I ovulated yesterday and the most recent day we had sex before that WITHOUT protection was 4 days before (we used protection the day before). It's very unlikely that anything will result from that. My only hope is that we used contraceptive film which has between a 4 and 26% failure rate, lol. How frustrating.

Oh well. Next month I'll have my cycle day three blood work done and we'll avoid that evil protection stuff. I can't believe we messed this month up so badly.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Post Op

It went really well. I got to see pictures and everything looked normal. It was amazing. My left tube wasn't dilated at all, and he showed me a picture of the dye spilling. He said it spilled really easily from my right tube. I had a corpus luteum cyst on my right ovary which showed I had either recently ovulated or was about to ovulate. I'm hoping I had recently done so since my period showed only 9 days after surgery. That would be a pretty short luteal phase...

He says I look great and that 20-30% of women get pregnant within 2 months of having their tubes cleared. I hope I'm one of them! The endo wasn't too bad, he showed me some pictures of the spots I had. He said that my particular case shouldn't effect my fertility, but he wanted to remove it since it can cause pain. So it's gone, at least for now. :)

We have to do a repeat semen analysis. Hazen's wasn't great in July, so we're doing it when (if) I get my next period. Depending on the results, we may go to Missoula for the strict test. We will see what happens!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Endo Diet

So, I've come across "The Endo Diet". I don't know if I can do it.

There are a lot of good tips that we do anyway--don't eat processed foods, avoid red meat, lots of fruits and veggies, lots of water, Omega 3s, organic as much as possible (honestly, if we can't get organic from Costco we don't get it at all these days--the budget doesn't stretch that far...we are expecting to go back to grocery shopping at Real Foods once Hazen starts working again, though!). The tricky parts for me will be getting whole grains WITHOUT wheat or rye (sigh) and avoiding most dairy. Yogurt is good, but I guess dairy wreaks havoc on the endo ridden body. I suppose a calcium supplement will be in order?

I will talk to my doctor next week to see if he thinks a change in diet could be beneficial to me. I'm glad that most of the recommendations are things we follow anyway, but if I have to give up ice-cream, I will not be a happy girl!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Annoyed and Confused

I'm not sure if I should call my doctor. I'm thinking I probably should, but I just don't know. I may have started my period, but the bleeding from the surgery has been off and on since I had it done. I was told the bleeding would be like a period and last up to a week. It has been 10 days since surgery...

My bleeding pattern (TMI to follow...):
Friday, Saturday, Sunday--light to medium bleeding
Monday--spotting for half the day, nothing afterwards
Tuesday and Wednesday--Nothing
Thursday--spotting for half the day again
Friday and Saturday--nothing, but some spotting after sex
Sunday and Monday--light bleeding

I'm confused...I never thought I would need help determining if I was on my period or not. It's one of those things that is supposed to be obvious. Ugh.

*Edit--I am counting yesterday as the first day of my period. Today's bleeding has gotten heavier and I am now cramping, so I'm thinking that is what this is. My only hesitation at this point is that my BBT is still really high, but that has been caused by surgery not ovulation, so I imagine my temperature will drop a little differently than usual. I hope I'm right about this and that Cycle 1 of we-have-a-chance baby-making can begin!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Feeling ugh-ish

I feel pretty good overall. I read recently that the cramping gets worse in days 3-5. I'm on day 4, and the cramping is definitely pretty annoying today. I am going to take some Tylenol when I get home. I still have lots of pain meds, but they make me feel weird and I can't drive on them...I don't imagine working with numbers would be a good idea on them either. Hopefully the Tylenol will help.

I'm just so anxious to move onto my next cycle and get going with the baby making! Trying not to get myself too excited, but it's hard. Our odds are (about) as good as anybody's right now, so I'd really like to see what that's like, LOL. :)

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Good day

I feel really good today. The nausea is gone, the gas pains in my shoulders are gone, and I can walk almost normally. I'm still pretty sore, but I feel 10x better than yesterday!

Today I'm supposed to take off my bandages and take a shower...I really don't want to see what's underneath. I've been procrastinating for about 2 hours now. I'll get there eventually. :p

Friday, September 11, 2009

I feel vindicated

I have suspected for a long time that there has been something wrong with me reproductively. My periods have been VERY painful in the past (less so since having Ian), they're irregular, they vary in length. Even the scar tissue around my colon is something that is normal with endometriosis. Whenever I get asked "do you have regular periods" at the doctor, I say "no" and they leave it at that. I've had appointments where I've thought they were going to look further into it, and it doesn't happen. I'm in and out in five minutes.

Having my doctor now, I feel listened to. He gets that things have NOT been normal for me, that I'm having a hard time, and that something was wrong. He was the FIRST to ever mention the possibility of endometriosis. Now that I've looked up more on endo, it seems so obvious that that is what I've had going on for a LONG TIME. I'm annoyed that it has taken this long to get someone to take me seriously, but I'm also really happy that I was finally taken seriously and that I was right to think there was something wrong--it hasn't all been in my head. Everytime I've been blown off by doctors and nurses, I've been right. It's nice.

And of course I am totally thrilled that he was able to get it taken care of in the surgery and that I *should* be able to get pregnant really soon. I've read that the preference is within 6 months of a surgical removal of endo since it can come back. I'm just excited. Very sore, but excited!!


I STILL HAVE BOTH TUBES!!!! Dr. said that 90% of pictures that look like mine are, in fact, a hydrosalpinx. Mine was a VERY small one, no where near what it looked like in the HSG, and he was able to unblock it with dye that he injected during the surgery. So I now have two perfect, healthy tubes. He said the reason mine looked so bad in the HSG is that I have some scaring around my colon and I guess that was pressing up on stuff? I probably have this all screwy, I was still pretty out there when he was explaining stuff.

I do have endometriosis, but he was able to cauterize all that he could see in the surgery. So the hope is that I will be a Fertile Myrtle for the next couple of months. I'm going to probably request Clomid for the two months before Hazen goes to the academy just to try and get a couple good o's in. Since I didn't o until day 30 last cycle and I seem to have not o'd yet this cycle, I'd like to know I will fairly early in the months before he goes. The doctor said all I have to do now is make a baby...but not today. :lol: We are allowed to try in 3-4 days...we'll see how I feel.

Recovery wise I feel pretty good. I'm pretty crampy and I just feel weird. The anesthesia made me throw up a couple of times (once in the poor husband) and the gas they injected has my shoulders hurting pretty badly. But overall, I really can't complain.

I never in a million years would have thought I'd be leaving with TWO healthy tubes!!

Surgery day...

I am nervous. Very nervous. But I know it will be fine and that in a few months I'll FINALLY have good news to share here. So it will be worth it. ;)

Check in is in 30 minutes (6:30) and surgery is an hour later. They will start by going through my cervix and a tiny hole in my belly button to make absolute sure that the tube is hydrosalpinx (doc said with my HSG pictures, he is 90% sure that's what it is). He will also check the right tube and check for any endometriosis (he doesn't expect to find that, but figures he'll make sure while he's in there!). Then I get two more holes on my abdomen, the tube comes out, the right tube gets some dye shot through to make sure it's healthy, and I'm done. He said 15-20 minutes tops.

I will update when I'm "low" enough to do so...LOL.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Interesting tidbit

The "surgeon" is actually my doctor. I should have known that since I know he's done some procedures on some other people, but for some reason it didn't even occur to me that he might do mine, too! I feel much more comfortable now. I trust my doctor and he knows which tube is bad...I've had this horrible vision of waking up and finding out they removed the wrong tube!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Surgery Date Set

I called on Wednesday to try and talk to my doctor or nurse about setting up my salpingectomy (tube removal). I hadn't heard back, but this morning I got a call from the nurse. The surgeon who performs it has openings every Friday this month. So, on the 11th (next week) I will go in and have my tube removed. I am very nervous, but also super excited at the realization that after this, we *should* be able to have a baby. Of course, there are no guarantees, but at least the odds will be much more in our favor!

I don't know how long I'll have to wait afterwards to ttc again. We have a pre-op meeting next week, so I imagine I'll find out then.

I'm so nervous...the only surgery I've ever had is having my wisdom teeth removed.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Insurance Vent

I've been trying to figure out what kind of coverage we will have for infertility once Hazen officially joins the Bozeman police department. The apparent answer is: Not Much. I found a document that says "the plan" (this is confusing because there is a Plan A and a Plan B...doesn't specify if it's one or the other or both) doesn't cover fertility enhancing procedures. It will, however, cover one in-vitro fertilization attempt...what??? They will seriously cover a $12,000+ procedure rather than one that is less than half of that and will solve our issue? Makes no sense to me. The real irony is that most doctor's won't even let someone with hydrosalpinx attempt IVF until they have the hydro removed, due to the fact that IVF success is halved when a hyrdo is in place. But okay, let's waste 12 grand.

So, I'm working on scheduling the surgery while I still have my insurance which thankfully covers infertility. I have a call into my doctor for a referral, and hopefully I'll hear back from him soon.

Then, to top it off, the state is changing prescription drug plans. They gave us this big hoo-ra presentation on it last week, explained the classes (A, B, C, D, F and "specialty), and explained how our out-of-pocket costs would relate to that. A, B, and C are the classes you want, D and F are best to avoid, and specialty is expensive, but covered. Clomid, and it's generic counterparts, is NC: Not Covered. Not once in their schpiel did they mention that some meds would not be covered. So yeah, I am not pleased. I wrote an email asking for an explanation. My biggest issue with it is that I had no reason to believe it wouldn't be covered. I expected a "specialty" rating or something, but NC was kind of shocking.

The life of an infertile is never boring. ;)

14 days in, and this cycle is already odd

Over the weekend, I had some serious fertile signs. My CM and CP were both fertile, and my skin broke out pretty badly. I didn't think it was possible I was going to ovulate because I don't ovulate that early...ever. My earliest natural ovulation was day 18. Last cycle it was day 30. It's just not possible for me to ovulate on day 11.

Well, according to my chart, it is. And my CM and CP are both supporting it, too. I'm tempted to call my dr's office and ask for a progesterone check to see if it really happened...that might be kind of weird though. It's very bizarre.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Onto the next cycle...

My period showed last night. I had a 40 day cycle with only a 10 day luteal phase. I knew the odds were not in my favor, but I couldn't help getting my hopes up anyway. The odds of getting pregnant with two healthy tubes are only about 20-25% in any given cycle...with a hydrosalpinx tube, the odds are less than half of that. It just sucks.

I'm not going to use Clomid. I read an article that suggests Clomid can actually make the hydro worse due to the super stimulated ovaries. I'm not sure how true that is, but I would really rather not make things worse if I can help it. So I will chart until ovulation is confirmed, and then put away the thermometer. I get too obsessive about my 2ww temps to the point that sleeping is difficult which then makes my temps less's dumb and there is no reason to do that to myself.

I just have to stay optimistic--someday I WILL have another baby!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Attempting to be positive today

I woke up bright and early today, before my alarm even went off. I went ahead and got out of bed so I could get to work early (I was an hour late yesterday, so figured I should be an hour early today). My temperature was down quite a bit, though, so that makes me think that my period is coming. I'm really hoping not, I think I'm only 9dpo, but I'm preparing myself for it just in case.

So I got out of bed feeling pretty bummed out and feeling really sorry for myself. It's so easy to let the "whys" go through your head, and there is just really no reason to think that way. Not everything is easy for's life. There are always reasons for the challenges, sometimes we just need to take a step back and relax and try to see it. It's not always obvious, but it's all just making us stronger.

So, after my five-minute pity party I went ahead and got up. I did my makeup and my hair this morning, and I decided on one of my favorite outfits. If I feel like I look good, I feel better. And it's honestly working.

Now I'm going to sit down and write out a to-do list and spend my day getting my work done as opposed to spending my day feeling sorry for myself or obsessing about whether or not I may or may not be pregnant. This crappy attitude needs to stop!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Trying hard to keep things in perspective

So, after being sure that I don't want to bother with the Clomid for right now, I'm re-thinking my stance. Our plan was to try naturally for a couple of months and then do a repeat SA here at St. Pete's rather than going to Missoula. But now I'm thinking, why not try the Clomid for two months? We aren't doing anything drastic yet, what could it hurt? Hazen doesn't want to. We're going to sit down and discuss it tomorrow.

I am a very fortunate person. On the way to work this morning, Martina McBride's song "Blessed" came on. It's basically about taking the time everyday to look at the gifts in our lives and appreciate them. I try to do this, but when I get bad news or don't get my way, it's so much easier to focus on what I want and can't have than to appreciate the good in my life. I have a husband that I will stick by no matter what; and he'll do the same. I have a little boy who has just turned three that makes me laugh EVERY DAY. I have a roof over my head, I have a job (I might not want to work, but at least I have that ability...not everyone does). I have it so good.

I always thought I would never do in-vitro. For one, I don't know morally how I feel about it. I believe that life begins at conception. What if we get lots of embryos and I have to decide what to do with the rest? I couldn't give them up for research (they'd be my babies) and I don't think I could donate them either. I'd hate the idea of my children running around and not knowing them. And then on top of that, rather than spend the money on that, I'd rather adopt. We plan to adopt anyway; I'd like to adopt some harder to place older children or siblings or something. I don't know if in-vitro will be our only option, but now that I'm faced with that possibility...I don't know what to do. I feel so selfish, but the thought of never being pregnant or having a newborn in the house again is very painful. I guess this is all something that I will have to work through.

And now I know that I'm practically infertile right now, but my stinkin' chart is looking fantastic and giving me hope that I don't want to have. I thought the urge to take tests would go away, but I'm already sitting here trying to figure out how I'm going to get my "fix" of tests. Sigh.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Our new plan

We have decided to take it easy for the next couple of months. Since my tube isn’t further hurting my fertility, we will let it be for a little while. Since Hazen just had his SA on July 13, we’ll go ahead and wait a couple more months and just have a follow up done then. Whether we do it in Missoula or here, we’re not sure, but there doesn’t seem to be any reason to get another one done only a month later when it takes up to three months for sperm to replace itself. From what I’ve read his numbers aren’t THAT bad. They’re not ideal, but once we get the other problems fixed, I don’t doubt he can knock me up, at least eventually.

We are going to have him take zinc (helps with motility) and pycnogenol (there have been some very promising studies that this helps morphology). In one study, the pycnogenol increased motility in 99% of the men, by an average of 36%! That would put Hazen at just over 35%, which is well over the 30% threshold. If we can get the semen problem taken care of on our own, that just leaves us with my ovulation and tube, and both can be fixed. It can’t hurt to try.

With our current job situations, it just seems to make more sense to focus more on getting ourselves settled so we can afford another baby, rather than spending all our money on fertility treatments. We need to get ourselves together for the kiddo we already have before spending a fortune making another one. And we’re both okay with continuing to try on our own for a couple of months and seeing where that gets us.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

My follow-up appointment

I have hydrosalpinx in my left tube. You can read more about it here:

My doctor is recommending that we remove it. We can try to repair it, but he said the risk of an ectopic will be much greater and the tube also won't likely be functioning. He said the fluid dilates the tube (which I could see in my HSG), and that somehow kills the thread things on the ends of the tube that catch the egg. Since my other tube is clear and open, he thinks removing the bad tube would be the best way to increase our chances.

Since Hazen's SA was not great (40% Motility, 54% Viability, 26% Morphology), we will go to Missoula and have a more comprehensive test done. That will determine how we proceed--Clomid, IUI (IntraUterine Insemination), or IVF (In-Vitro Fertilization).

I asked if leaving the blocked tube for a little longer would continue to harm my fertility, and he said he is almost certain it won't do any further damage. He did put me on antibiotics just in case, but he is pretty sure that whatever infection caused the hydrosalpinx is long gone. So we will wait to remove the tube until Hazen is working.

My doctor told us we could go ahead and try Clomid for a couple of months, but that with all of our issues combined (questionable SA, hydrosalpinx, and irregular ovulation) we would probably be throwing our money away. So the plan for now is to finish up the antibiotics (which make me very sick!), do the second SA and continue to try naturally. Once Hazen has a job, we'll get more aggressive.

I'm bummed out. I suspected hydrosalpinx but actually hearing it was really hard. The only thing I can think that caused it was my first pregnancy. At 6 1/2 weeks, there was nothing seen in my uterus...I miscarried naturally, but an ectopic was never ruled out. I guess I'll never know, though.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Tube appointment today

I have my appointment with Dr. McMahon at 4 this afternoon to discuss my and Hazen’s test results. I know he wants to remove my tube, and unfortunately, we’re not going to be able to do that right now. With Hazen being unemployed, we just can’t justify the expense of fertility treatments and surgeries, sadly. He is now looking out of the state at jobs, and that alone is going to cost us a small fortune that we just don’t have. So I suppose the plan now is to continue TTC naturally and hoping for the best. Once he’s employed, we can look into some more invasive options. This is of course assuming that whatever is wrong with my tube can’t harm my fertility any further. If it’s something that can cause worse problems if left untreated, we will find a way to afford the surgery.

I may have finally ovulated (I’m on day 31), but I’m really not certain. I had some really horrible pains last night after sex (sorry for the TMI…this is why I have moved this stuff!). I had what felt like light menstrual cramps all throughout the day, but immediately after sex they worsened to the point that I couldn’t move. It was across my entire abdomen and not localized to one side or the other, so I don’t know if it could have been ovulation cramping or not. My temperature did rise today, but that happens occasionally and isn’t sustained for very long. It would be really great if my temperature stays up and I did actually ovulate since 3 of the last 5 cycles have been anovulatory!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Heard from the nurse

The doctor thinks he probably wants to remove my tube to increase our chances. I haven't been able to talk to the doctor yet, but based on the research I've done an unhealthy tube can greatly affect the chances of pregnancy, even when I ovulate on the good side. I see him on August 10 to discuss the results in more detail and to decide how we should proceed. The plus side is that my right tube is nice and open and clear--woo-hoo!

In addition, we got Hazen's SA results and they are "not bad" (quote from the nurse). I don't really understand what all the numbers and percents mean, but his morphology was abnormal. We will have to go to Missoula for a more comprehensive test.

I'm trying not to be too down. I had hoped that the HSG would be the miracle for me that it is for many--a lot of women become pregnant naturally in the first 3 months after the procedure. It's hard to not be disappointed with the realization that that isn't likely to least I'll save a lot of money on pregnancy tests. No point in testing at this point.

Sigh. :(

Monday, July 20, 2009

Disappointing news

I had my HSG today, and it was discovered that my left tube is blocked. I have to wait to talk to my doctor about the plan since the test was done by a radiologist. I am soooo disappointed--I really thought it would be fine and I would be given the go-ahead to start the Clomid next cycle. :(

Hazen also hasn't gotten his S/A results guess is that my doctor will discuss them both with us at the same time. Sigh.

Monday, July 13, 2009

The newest updates

Hazen completed his "test" and now we're waiting to hear about the results. I have my HSG scheduled for next Monday, July 20. Other than that, there is no new news.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

It's always something ;)

My period never officially ended. I've been spotting/bleeding for the last 19 days. I finally called my doc on Tuesday, day 17, because this is not normal or okay. As of yesterday, I have been put on 200mg of Prometrium 2x/day for 10 days. The point is to make the bleeding stop, and then within 7 days after my last dose make the bleeding start again. This is important because I need to have a regular period before I can schedule my HSG. So once my period stops and then starts again, I can call to set up my appointment. I'm actually happy--I didn't want this cycle to take forever which generally happens when I have random bleeding, so it will be ending right around the time an ovulatory cycle would have for me. I have to take the good where I can. ;)

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

My appointment

I had my appointment with Dr. McMahon. I really liked him for the most part. My appointment lasted well over an hour which was amazing--every doctor I've ever seen has worked super hard to rush me out the door! My only complaint would be that he talked a lot, which was fine, the problem was just that I couldn't get a word in myself!

He thinks I don't ovulate regularly (which I know) and that Clomid would probably help. He ordered a semen analysis for Hazen and a HSG for me. The HSG is where they shoot dye through my cervix and it circulates through my uterus and my tubes. They take X-rays while the dye is flowing to see if I have a regularly shaped uterus, uterine scarring, or blocked tubes. It's supposed to be pretty uncomfortable...the sacrifices we will make for a baby!

We are, in the medical community, officially considered "infertile" now. That kind of sucks...the term is used when a couple has been trying over a year.

If the SA and HSG both come back normal, I will be put on Clomid. The SA can be done any time, and the HSG will be done between days 7 and 10 of my next cycle. Clomid will hopefully be started in August. Unfortunately, I am 17 days into this current cycle and haven't stopped spotting. I'm expecting another anovulatory cycle, which is disappointing. I had hoped for one more untreated cycle to try, and I also hoped for a short cycle if that didn't work. My anovulatory cycles tend to range from 36-80+ days...I won't go to 80+ this time because around 35 or so I'll probably call and beg for Provera (a medication that brings on the next cycle). It's just disappointing to feel like the cycle is already a bust when it's barely even started.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Another update on Baby#2

My period came. Of course. I had the worst 2WW (2 week wait--waiting to test) EVER. I had 3 false positives on these nasty, horrible blue line Equates. I didn't realize I'd grabbed blue dye instead of pink...huge mistake. I know better than to go anywhere near blue dye tests, and after research I've found that "false positives" are pretty common on these particular ones. I can be sure that they were false and not that I had a chemical pregnancy (very early miscarriage) because I used two other brands at the same time, two of the most sensitive brands, and they were both negative. It was horrible. :( I talked to my NP and based on my progesterone results and when my period came, she referred me to a doctor. I will see him on Wednesday and find out where to go from here and whether he will do more testing. Oy.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Heard from my doc

And there is no news to tell. The results weren't great, apparently, but since the test was done on the text book cycle day 21 rather than 7 days past ovulation, I have to call her when my next period starts and she can then count backwards and determine where I was in my cycle at the time of the test (although I told her I was pretty sure I was three days past o!). She will then know more about whether my results were normal or not. Maybe there will be no period to call about, but I know better than to get my hopes up!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Update on the making of baby #2

We’ve been keeping all of this pretty quiet, but I don’t believe I have many readers that don’t already know that we’re trying to get pregnant. If you’re squeamish about baby making, you probably don’t want to read any further. ;)

So, yes, we have been actively trying for #2 since October (about 8 months now). We have been inactively trying since June-ish (about a year). My cycles have been very irregular, ranging from 27-37 days in length. That’s not too much of a concern, but what is a concern is that I am either not ovulating at all or else ovulating between day 15 and 24, and my luteal phase (the part of the cycle from ovulation to period; from period to ovulation is the follicular phase) is ranging between 10 and 14 days. The luteal phase (LP) should be pretty consistent, with only a day or so variance from cycle to cycle, if anything. Ovulation can be sporadic, but having a 10 day window where it may or may not happen makes timing difficult. We have very consistently been timing things very well (the “best” days are the three days before ovulation and the day of; we generally get three days in that window), and still pregnancy has not been achieved. I had my annual exam in April and mentioned that we weren’t getting pregnant. I might have fluffed it a bit and said we’d been trying for a year. ;) I got the okay to call an RE (Reproductive Endocrinologist) whenever I wanted, but Hazen and I decided to give it another cycle.

Unfortunately, during my April/May cycle I ended up spotting for 10 days in the middle. I had to go back to the doctor and had my thyroid tested. I was tested Thursday afternoon, and called Friday for the results—the doctor was out. I had to call again on Monday afternoon and was finally given my results—my thyroid is fine. It’s a 2.03 or something (the number should be between .5 and 3). I ended up not ovulating that cycle, but was told that when my next cycle started I should call and set up a 21 day progesterone check.

Fast forward to this cycle. First, I needed to use some ovulation tests (OPKs) in addition to my temping (you can check out if you’d like more information on that) to pinpoint my ovulation day. Since my o date is so sporadic, I didn’t bother to take any tests until day 14—it was positive. I was shocked. The next 5 days continued to be more and more positive. This is odd for me since I normally have two days of positives—the day before and the day of ovulation. So right there my cycle was weird and unpredictable and I had no idea when to expect ovulation.

I did have my 21 day progesterone check earlier this week. I went in at 8:45 Wednesday morning and had my blood drawn. I was told they would call with the results. I didn’t hear back on Thursday, but decided to wait until Friday morning so I wouldn’t be seen as pushy. Guess what? Doctor wasn’t in. Supposedly I’ll get a phone call on Monday with my results, which sucks. Oh well. The weekend should pass quickly—it always does. The next step is that if I’m not pregnant this cycle (I’ll be testing next Fridayish, 12dpo—days past ovulation), I will call and speak to an RE and figure out what the next step is. From the research I’ve done, that will include a sperm analysis, a complete bloods workup, an ultrasound, and possibly an HSG (this is an x-ray of the uterus and fallopian tubes; a dye is injected that will appear on the screen and shows if there is any blockage in the tubes or abnormalities in the uterus). Hopefully we don’t have to go that route.