pregnancy week by week

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Heard from the nurse

The doctor thinks he probably wants to remove my tube to increase our chances. I haven't been able to talk to the doctor yet, but based on the research I've done an unhealthy tube can greatly affect the chances of pregnancy, even when I ovulate on the good side. I see him on August 10 to discuss the results in more detail and to decide how we should proceed. The plus side is that my right tube is nice and open and clear--woo-hoo!

In addition, we got Hazen's SA results and they are "not bad" (quote from the nurse). I don't really understand what all the numbers and percents mean, but his morphology was abnormal. We will have to go to Missoula for a more comprehensive test.

I'm trying not to be too down. I had hoped that the HSG would be the miracle for me that it is for many--a lot of women become pregnant naturally in the first 3 months after the procedure. It's hard to not be disappointed with the realization that that isn't likely to least I'll save a lot of money on pregnancy tests. No point in testing at this point.

Sigh. :(

Monday, July 20, 2009

Disappointing news

I had my HSG today, and it was discovered that my left tube is blocked. I have to wait to talk to my doctor about the plan since the test was done by a radiologist. I am soooo disappointed--I really thought it would be fine and I would be given the go-ahead to start the Clomid next cycle. :(

Hazen also hasn't gotten his S/A results guess is that my doctor will discuss them both with us at the same time. Sigh.

Monday, July 13, 2009

The newest updates

Hazen completed his "test" and now we're waiting to hear about the results. I have my HSG scheduled for next Monday, July 20. Other than that, there is no new news.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

It's always something ;)

My period never officially ended. I've been spotting/bleeding for the last 19 days. I finally called my doc on Tuesday, day 17, because this is not normal or okay. As of yesterday, I have been put on 200mg of Prometrium 2x/day for 10 days. The point is to make the bleeding stop, and then within 7 days after my last dose make the bleeding start again. This is important because I need to have a regular period before I can schedule my HSG. So once my period stops and then starts again, I can call to set up my appointment. I'm actually happy--I didn't want this cycle to take forever which generally happens when I have random bleeding, so it will be ending right around the time an ovulatory cycle would have for me. I have to take the good where I can. ;)