pregnancy week by week

Monday, May 16, 2011

Moving over!

I originally started this blog because I didn't want to share all the TMI details of infertility on my family blog. Then I got pregnant, and it seemed like a good place to talk about the TMI details of pregnancy. But now I'm the mommy of a 4 1/2 year old and a 7 week old, and it seems very silly to have two blogs (both of which I am veeeeeery behind on!) talking about two kids. I'd rather put all our goings on in one place.

I'm not thrilled with my other blog, so I think I'm going to "start over" and create an all new one. I'll keep both of my others, and have them linked for easy access, but I feel like I need to create a new one to start it in the direction I want it to go in the first place.

So, the new blog: