pregnancy week by week

Monday, October 19, 2009

Driving myself crazy

I tested yesterday--negative. I was only 10 days past ovulation, but I had a positive digital test with Ian at 10dpo, so I thought I'd give it a try. I have that big dip at 8dpo, and my temps have been staying up the last few days. I had some serious cramping last night and thought my period was coming, but nothing has happened and my temp is still up.

I'll test again at lunch. I ordered 25 "internet cheapies" (pregnancy test strips) a couple of months ago and have 12 left. I should hold off until at least tomorrow, but I can't. I asked Hazen to hide them from me last week and he apparently forgot because they are still right where I left them. I don't plan to remind least not until next month. ;)


  1. It takes a few extra days for a positive with the little strips. Those are what I use, too. I got a super faint positive on one of those with Reid and a more solid positive on a store-bought one. It's hard not to test all the time when you have a bunch on hand, though, isn't it!?!?

  2. Yeah, I'm not sure they save me money in the long run. With Ian, I went through 25 in one cycle. How do you even do that?? :p

  3. 25!?!?! Wow. That's a lot. =) I think I used to use 4 or 5 per cycle when we were trying. But I had very regular cycles, so that's not an entirely fair comparison. HCG doubles every 2-3 days, so tomorrow first thing in the AM (today, actually) might show something. Fingers are crossed.

  4. Yeah...Hazen was at deployment training at the time (he left the day after I ovulated for 2 and a half weeks), so there was no one to stop me and I was bored. :) And I just "knew" I was pregnant that cycle. The 25 I ordered this last time have lasted me three cycles so far...I think I have 7 left. So I'm improving...kind of. :)
