pregnancy week by week

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

And temp is back up...

So I'm thouroghly confused now. My temp has shot back up to 98.5 today, but I had absolutely no fertile signs yesterday.

So, my new theory is this (it's a good one, lol):

Saturday night/Sunday morning I was up until 4:30am (Monopoly tournament...ugh). I temp between 6:30 and 7:00. That morning, I temped at 7:20, less than three hours after I went to bed--temp was 97.8. I temped again 2 hours later and it was 98.3. I used the first temp since it was closest to my normal temping time BUT now I'm wondering if I should have used the second temp since it was taken after almost 5 hours of sleep instead of 3. Hmm.

Yesterday, Monday, temp was 97.9. Still very low BUT if my temp on Sunday should have been higher (98.something) then I could look at it with optimism and think "Hmm...implantation dip?".

Temp being waaaay up today with no fertile signs yesterday makes me think I did o on CD 11 like my chart shows. I'm hoping to wait until tomorrow to test. I will be 10dpo, when I got my positive digi with Ian, and I will see if my temp stays up and gives credibility to my new theory.

I hope I've ovulated. I was so disappointed yesterday.

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