pregnancy week by week

Friday, March 25, 2011

40 weeks!

Today is my "due date", but I don't think anyone bothered to inform the Little Miss of that fact.

I honestly still feel good. I enjoy being pregnant. Sleep sucks (but I know it's going to get worse, so I don't dwell on that!), peeing every 20 minutes sucks, rib and leg pain sucks, contractions that like to tease me suck. But overall, I really don't have it bad. Most of the pain is manageable. I can control the rib pain by leaning over my ball and rolling. The legs are fine as long as I'm sure to eat well during the day. The contractions are just getting me ready for the tough job that is coming. And there is only so much longer I get my baby completely and totally to myself.

Downsides: I wonder how big she is going to get. I haven't had any weight estimates done on her, which is fine, but her big brother was 8lbs at 39 weeks, 4 days. I feel that she is smaller, but I really don't know. And everyday is another day of growth for her (good for her, scary for mommy!). And, the most upsetting part, is that my stretchmark from Ian has started to grow and turn red. I know, I know, so what. But I enjoy my bikinis. And I made it 39 weeks without a single stretchmark (my boobs, rear, and thighs are all also least from this pregnancy...). So the sooner she comes out, the sooner that thing can stop it's growth.

I'm still having a hard time recognizing that I will have TWO children. Every night I give in and read "one more story" because I don't know if that will be the last night that I can cuddle with just my little man reading him his bedtime stories. I cave and go to the park more than I feel like because, again, I don't know if it's going to be the last time. Every weekend for the last few weeks I've wanted to take him somewhere because "it might be the last time as a family of three". I know we'll all adjust, and I know baby girl is going to fit into our family as seamlessly as Ian did, but knowing how much it's possible to love a little person makes it that much harder to believe that another little person can take the same amount of love from you without lessening it for the other one...if that makes sense. It's hard to be a hormonal, pregnant mommy sometimes...somedays I'm just sad and feel like I'm ruining my little boy's entire world, which I know is silly even when I think about it. Last night he helped me put away clothes for "baby sister" and he did it so happily and willingly (he put socks in with the diapers because he decided that was the best spot for them; they are still there because he was just too darn cute while he was doing it).

Soon enough the little girl will be here. And soon enough we'll all adjust and be fine.

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