pregnancy week by week

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

17 weeks, 5 days

Almost 18 weeks...this pregnancy is flying by! I have my next appointment on November 2 and am very anxious to get my ultrasound scheduled and find out if we're having a boy or a girl.

I'm feeling better. I'm still at my pre-pregnancy weight, so hoping to start gaining pretty soon. I looked back at my info from Ian and I was down almost a full pound at this point with him, so at least I'm doing a little better. And I ended up gaining 30 pounds and having an 8 pound, perfectly healthy little boy that time. I'm sure the same will happen this time. :)

If I take Unisom the night before, I don't have to worry about morning sickness. I have tried not taking it a few times, but everytime I throw up. Really not fun. I'm going to try and go without it again this weekend...hoping soon I'll be ready to give it up!

The fatigue is better. I don't have to take naps everyday anymore, though I still appreciate the ones I squeeze in! By bedtime I am beat, but it's alright. I'm sleeping well, and that's the important thing.

So, finally for some belly pictures. I've taken a pic about every three weeks. I may start doing every two soon, but for now three weeks between seems to be a good comparison. I'm taking a while to really pop out again, same as I did with Ian. It's all about the long torso, I guess. ;)

3 weeks, 3 days (day I got my BFP! End of the day and a little bloated):

10 weeks:

13 weeks:

16 1/2 weeks:


  1. I agree w/ Lisa, you look great! And lol @ you always having something going on behind you on the couch, whether it's laundry, your little guy or your cat! :)

  2. I made a point to not have laundry on the couch and to have the kid in school for the 16-week one, but then in comes the cat. I give up...maybe I'll just put something random on the couch for every pic. :p
