pregnancy week by week

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sooooo moody

I was the ideal pregnant person the first time. I was happy all the time, I was rarely sick, my moods were kept pretty well in check (I was more weepy, but that was over TV shows, songs, etc rather than some random thing my husband said). This time, I yell at the dog, I yell at the husband, I yell at the kid. I throw things (not at anybody, just to make a nice loud sound and get some "anger" out), I cry for no reason. I start off my day perfectly happy and then turn into some angry person that I don't even recognize. It's kind of awful!

I am really hoping this is all some nasty side-effect of the first trimester and that it will be leaving me soon. I will be 14-weeks tomorrow (a full week into the 2nd trimester--yeah!) and I seem to be feeling better. As long as I take my Unisom the night before, the nausea really isn't bad anymore (I've tried not taking it twice...both times I spent the next day vomitting. Don't think I'm ready to give it up yet!). The fatigue is so-so. It's not AS bad, but I'm still a much happier person if I get my 2-hour nap.

I know this will be worth it. I'm feeling baby every-other-day or so, and that's been a lot of fun. I was much further along before I felt Ian, so it's been an unexpected (but happy!) surprise. I'm really looking forward to the daily movements and feeling it on the outside. I can't wait for Hazen and Ian to be able to share in this, especially since I'll be nearly 20 weeks before we hear the heartbeat again. And I am really looking forward to the honeymoon stage of pregnancy. I'm excited to feel good, have some energy back, and start growing my obvious belly. :)

1 comment:

  1. That is so awesome that you're feeling him/her already! I hope the moodiness gets better! It's funny how every pregnancy is so different. I'm always stalking ;-)
