I was told to not shower without the hubby being home in case I slip (she said something about if I hit my bottom, Little Girl's head is in the perfect spot to put me in labor), and to not grocery shop alone in case my water breaks. So I'm meant to take it easy for the next few weeks and make sure I have access to a driver if I'm going to be out and about. I'm also going to be seen weekly now.
I'm hoping she waits another 8 days so I get to 37 weeks and she is considered full term. I know odds are that she would be just fine now, but hitting 37 weeks would definitely be preferred. If I go into labor now, though, it won't be stopped--eeek!
I had a lot of contractions after getting home (I assumed the exam irritated my uterus a little bit), and then had quite a few during the night. Most weren't painful, but there were some that really got my attention and kept me from getting good sleep. They are less intense today, but she is moving around a lot and I'm feeling a lot of pressure in my cervix and some cramping in my legs.
My animals have been acting strange, which makes me a bit nervous. My dog has been following me more than usual for the last couple of weeks, but I didn't think anything of it. The cat, though, was really acting strangely last night. He usually sleeps at our feet or on the floor near the bed, but last night he kept curling up right next to my belly or up by my head, and he just purred the entire time. This morning, my dog whined outside the door while I was showering. I'm hoping they're not trying to tell me something.
I'm feeling a little panicky at the thought of going into labor soon, so I'm off to pick up a few things at the store (without the hubby...bad, bad, bad, but it's just the BX which Hazen could get to in about 5 minutes), and going to see about getting my hair cut since I really want that done before Little Miss gets here.
My belly from yesterday (35 weeks, 5 days):
You look SO good! I'm so excited for you! I cannot wait to meet your new little one!! Good luck! I'll be thinking of you!