I have started packing our hospital bags. That has been relatively easy this time. Last time I didn't have a clue what I was doing. This time, I have a decent idea of what I'll want and need...and what I won't. Hoping to track down a nursing nightgown and some bras today. Finding them in my size for a reasonable price has been difficult.
I have no idea what position this baby is in. I am terrified of getting to my 36 week appointment and being told she is butt down. A c-section is the ABSOLUTE WORST CASE scenario. It would be bad enough if we were a normal, non-PCSing family, but moving 1400 miles in mid-late April would make it that much worse (within weeks of her birth). Driving would be a nightmare. I'm feeling movement all over the place, and there seems to be limbs in awkward areas. I'm checking out the Spinning Babies website and plan to start those exercises this week. But I hope she is head-down...we are getting to the wire as far as how much time she has to turn.
I'm in pain and uncomfortable, but I'm still not "done" being pregnant. This pregnancy has FLOWN by, and I don't feel ready at all. I don't know if I've even accepted that I will be having a little girl next month...it's a little scary! And I have all these big plans for how things are going to go--cloth diapering is going to go great, I'm going to learn to breastfeed using a wrap so that I can keep my hands free to spend time with Ian. My biggest worry is definitely not being able to give Ian the time and attention that he still needs. I'm hoping that being able to involve him in everything will help with the transition for him, but I still have serious mommy-guilt about the whole bringing a new sibling into his life thing. He does seem excited about it, though. He tells me "I want to hug Baby Sister. But not too hard. I can't squeeze. That would hurt Baby Sister. And she can sleep in my bed if she wants." He is so sweet, I really can't wait to see him with her and to watch him be her protector as they get older.
Well, the kiddo is not taking kindly to my blogging this morning...I promised him we would bake some cupcakes and that we would go to the store today, so I should get to that. He keeps bringing me the cupcake cups; this last time they were no longer in their wrapper. I will close with pictures of the belly, taken yesterday at 32 weeks, 6 days. So far, I still only have the belly button piercing stretchmark I got with Ian. Let's hope it stays that way!
Such a cute belly! It must be scary when it goes by so fast! I'm excited to see your little one! :)