One of the "big" things I wanted for this baby is a bouncy seat. It saved me with Ian since it was the only thing he would allow me to set him down in. It's not that I mind carrying a baby all the time, but sometimes I need to do things alone like shower or cook.
Well, yesterday I had a shower with my small group and got TONS of great things, but not a bouncy seat. So this morning I pulled up Craigslist, found a chair, asked if it was available, BOUGHT it, Hazen pointed out it was a bit dirty but I thought "no biggie...I don't mind cleaning something up a bit to save some money", get it home, take it apart to clean and discover: it's been jimmy-rigged, it's crooked, and the batteries left in the battery compartment had exploded. Oy.
I know better. I always ask what kind of condition something is in if it's not mentioned in the ad. I've gotten diapers online, and always ask "is there smoking in the house? What kind of shape is it in? Any staining? etc". But this time I asked NOTHING and feel like a big dummy. I can't even donate the thing is how bad of condition it's in...I would feel guilty forever.
I hope the Bebe au Lait nursing cover I ordered on eBay shows up in great shape or I'm going to lose it. As it is, I have to make a trip to the store tomorrow to buy a bouncy chair...again. Ugh.
In happier (?) news, I am having a lot of contractions. Sometimes they hurt quite a bit, sometimes I don't even notice them, and sometimes they are just enough to get my attention. But I am having several an hour every hour, so I'm hopeful that my body is getting geared up for labor. I'm still hoping and planning to make it to at least Friday (full term) but Baby Girl is more than welcome to make her appearance any time after that. Next appointment is Tuesday and I'm hopeful that I will have made some progress since last week. It will be a little disappointing to find out I haven't after all the contractions over the last few days.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
36 week appointment
I had my 36-week appointment yesterday, and it was a little more exciting than I expected. Her head is very low, and during my external exam it was hard for my doctor to find. I was soooo afraid she was going to tell me that Little Miss is still breech! After that, I had my GBS swab and she checked me. I am 2cm and 60% effaced, which is more than either of us expected! I've been having some contractions, but most of them aren't painful. I have also lost my mucus plug, which surprised me. I've noticed little bits and pieces over the last couple of weeks, but none of the big chunks like I had with Ian.
I was told to not shower without the hubby being home in case I slip (she said something about if I hit my bottom, Little Girl's head is in the perfect spot to put me in labor), and to not grocery shop alone in case my water breaks. So I'm meant to take it easy for the next few weeks and make sure I have access to a driver if I'm going to be out and about. I'm also going to be seen weekly now.
I'm hoping she waits another 8 days so I get to 37 weeks and she is considered full term. I know odds are that she would be just fine now, but hitting 37 weeks would definitely be preferred. If I go into labor now, though, it won't be stopped--eeek!
I had a lot of contractions after getting home (I assumed the exam irritated my uterus a little bit), and then had quite a few during the night. Most weren't painful, but there were some that really got my attention and kept me from getting good sleep. They are less intense today, but she is moving around a lot and I'm feeling a lot of pressure in my cervix and some cramping in my legs.
My animals have been acting strange, which makes me a bit nervous. My dog has been following me more than usual for the last couple of weeks, but I didn't think anything of it. The cat, though, was really acting strangely last night. He usually sleeps at our feet or on the floor near the bed, but last night he kept curling up right next to my belly or up by my head, and he just purred the entire time. This morning, my dog whined outside the door while I was showering. I'm hoping they're not trying to tell me something.
I'm feeling a little panicky at the thought of going into labor soon, so I'm off to pick up a few things at the store (without the hubby...bad, bad, bad, but it's just the BX which Hazen could get to in about 5 minutes), and going to see about getting my hair cut since I really want that done before Little Miss gets here.
My belly from yesterday (35 weeks, 5 days):

I was told to not shower without the hubby being home in case I slip (she said something about if I hit my bottom, Little Girl's head is in the perfect spot to put me in labor), and to not grocery shop alone in case my water breaks. So I'm meant to take it easy for the next few weeks and make sure I have access to a driver if I'm going to be out and about. I'm also going to be seen weekly now.
I'm hoping she waits another 8 days so I get to 37 weeks and she is considered full term. I know odds are that she would be just fine now, but hitting 37 weeks would definitely be preferred. If I go into labor now, though, it won't be stopped--eeek!
I had a lot of contractions after getting home (I assumed the exam irritated my uterus a little bit), and then had quite a few during the night. Most weren't painful, but there were some that really got my attention and kept me from getting good sleep. They are less intense today, but she is moving around a lot and I'm feeling a lot of pressure in my cervix and some cramping in my legs.
My animals have been acting strange, which makes me a bit nervous. My dog has been following me more than usual for the last couple of weeks, but I didn't think anything of it. The cat, though, was really acting strangely last night. He usually sleeps at our feet or on the floor near the bed, but last night he kept curling up right next to my belly or up by my head, and he just purred the entire time. This morning, my dog whined outside the door while I was showering. I'm hoping they're not trying to tell me something.
I'm feeling a little panicky at the thought of going into labor soon, so I'm off to pick up a few things at the store (without the hubby...bad, bad, bad, but it's just the BX which Hazen could get to in about 5 minutes), and going to see about getting my hair cut since I really want that done before Little Miss gets here.
My belly from yesterday (35 weeks, 5 days):
Sunday, February 20, 2011
35 weeks and time to start chilling out
I am really active. I am constantly going, and if I get an idea in my head, I have to see it through. Yesterday, I decided to deep clean the house. I pulled out the steam cleaner and everything (for the record, my house smells very fresh and clean today!).
A couple of hours into my cleaning, I started to get a little light headed. I figured it was because I hadn't had enough water, so went to grab my water glass. As soon as I reached for it, I had this feeling like I was going to pass out and/or throw up. I sat down on the floor with my knees apart and took several deep breaths, and felt better in a couple of minutes.
This morning I'm just sitting at the computer but I'm hot, I'm thirsty, and I just feel "off". I guess it's time to start relaxing more, paying more attention to my food and fluid needs, and letting my boys do more (and not let it get to me if my house doesn't look perfect!). It really annoys me to not be able to do everything I'm used to, even though I logically know this is temporary, and I need to get as much rest as I can before the baby comes...there will be no rest with a newborn and a 4-year-old!
A couple of hours into my cleaning, I started to get a little light headed. I figured it was because I hadn't had enough water, so went to grab my water glass. As soon as I reached for it, I had this feeling like I was going to pass out and/or throw up. I sat down on the floor with my knees apart and took several deep breaths, and felt better in a couple of minutes.
This morning I'm just sitting at the computer but I'm hot, I'm thirsty, and I just feel "off". I guess it's time to start relaxing more, paying more attention to my food and fluid needs, and letting my boys do more (and not let it get to me if my house doesn't look perfect!). It really annoys me to not be able to do everything I'm used to, even though I logically know this is temporary, and I need to get as much rest as I can before the baby comes...there will be no rest with a newborn and a 4-year-old!
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
This is getting expensive
Being pregnant. Being VERY pregnant. This third trimester has been very similar to Ian's...I want sugar. Lots and lots and lots of sugar. And I buy sugar. Lots and lots and lots of sugar. Ice cream. Chocolate. Processed cupcakes. And today I really want a gigantic Starbucks machiatto. I don't need one. I really shouldn't have one. Caffeine makes me feel awful (pregnant or's just not something I have regularly). But nothing sounds better than a big ol' sugar loaded coffee. I suppose it's good the hubby is at work and I don't feel like getting the kid ready to go out. My craving may go unsatisfied tonight.
Monday, February 7, 2011
A couple of days ago, I got the HUUUUUGE urge to get everything ready for baby. To the point that I was panicked about it because there was really nothing I could do. I didn't have any of my storage items for her, so washing everything was pointless with no storage (as I explained in my previous post).
So, I went out and bought all the storage items on my registry. I kept the receipts so if I get anything, I can easily return the shower item and keep the stuff I bought. Easy-peasy. And then I cleaned. and cleaned. and cleaned.
All diapers are prepped and put away (at least the ones we'll need for the first few weeks...did both the newborn and small prefolds, need to wash the newborn and small pockets and AIOs still, though). All newborn and 0-3 months clothes are washed and put away. Both of our hospital bags are almost completely packed. The only things missing from mine are my Lansinoh Lanolin (went to both Target and BRU...BOTH were sold out! Is there a Lansinoh shortage I should know about???) and a nursing nightgown. I refuse to spend a fortune on a nightgown I'm going to bleed all over (sorry for the TMI!), so am now in search of something not specifically nursing but that will allow easy access while in the hospital. Baby Girl's bag is almost completely done, I just need to wash her blankets and stuff those in there. Today I will wash the car seat cover and scrub down the plastic pieces. I've been putting it off because I HATE getting the covers back on car seats. Off is pretty easy...back on? Notsomuch.
And, of course, I have a small vent. Target has a system where if you buy certain items, it causes certain coupons to be spit out with your receipts. I bought nursing pads. The coupon that comes from nursing pads is for Enfamil formula. What??? I would think that nursing pads yell "I'm going to breastfeed!". I don't know if it's Target, the companies, or a combination that decide when a coupon should come out, but it's maddening! Women are told that breast is best but formula is just as good (watch a commercial..."such and such added to be more like breastmilk"). Hospitals take babies and give them formula, often without mother's permission. And breastpads envoke formula coupons? It totally screamed "good for you and your silly breastfeeding plans. In case that fails, here are some formula coupons. Breastfeeding is HARD you know" to me. Maybe I'm exaggerating a little, but seriously. That stuff makes me MAD.
A funnier coupon happened when I bought my little bag of Depends for after the birth. I have a coupon for more Depends now, though I don't plan on making those a regular part of my life for at least a couple more years. ;)
So, I went out and bought all the storage items on my registry. I kept the receipts so if I get anything, I can easily return the shower item and keep the stuff I bought. Easy-peasy. And then I cleaned. and cleaned. and cleaned.
All diapers are prepped and put away (at least the ones we'll need for the first few weeks...did both the newborn and small prefolds, need to wash the newborn and small pockets and AIOs still, though). All newborn and 0-3 months clothes are washed and put away. Both of our hospital bags are almost completely packed. The only things missing from mine are my Lansinoh Lanolin (went to both Target and BRU...BOTH were sold out! Is there a Lansinoh shortage I should know about???) and a nursing nightgown. I refuse to spend a fortune on a nightgown I'm going to bleed all over (sorry for the TMI!), so am now in search of something not specifically nursing but that will allow easy access while in the hospital. Baby Girl's bag is almost completely done, I just need to wash her blankets and stuff those in there. Today I will wash the car seat cover and scrub down the plastic pieces. I've been putting it off because I HATE getting the covers back on car seats. Off is pretty easy...back on? Notsomuch.
And, of course, I have a small vent. Target has a system where if you buy certain items, it causes certain coupons to be spit out with your receipts. I bought nursing pads. The coupon that comes from nursing pads is for Enfamil formula. What??? I would think that nursing pads yell "I'm going to breastfeed!". I don't know if it's Target, the companies, or a combination that decide when a coupon should come out, but it's maddening! Women are told that breast is best but formula is just as good (watch a commercial..."such and such added to be more like breastmilk"). Hospitals take babies and give them formula, often without mother's permission. And breastpads envoke formula coupons? It totally screamed "good for you and your silly breastfeeding plans. In case that fails, here are some formula coupons. Breastfeeding is HARD you know" to me. Maybe I'm exaggerating a little, but seriously. That stuff makes me MAD.
A funnier coupon happened when I bought my little bag of Depends for after the birth. I have a coupon for more Depends now, though I don't plan on making those a regular part of my life for at least a couple more years. ;)
Friday, February 4, 2011
33 weeks
Starting to get things into high gear now. Realizing I should probably wash at least some of Baby Girl's things...prep some diapers...clean the car seat...something. I was DONE at this point with Ian. I'm honestly just holding off because I have a kinda-shower at the end of the month. My small group at church is having a combined shower for all of us who have had or are expecting babies in the last few/next few months. I have some storage items that I really need on my registry, but don't want to buy them before the shower (if someone else will buy them, that's all the better!). But without storage, I have nowhere to put anything...I don't want to just put the washed clothing and diapers back into a box. That seems really counterproductive.
I have started packing our hospital bags. That has been relatively easy this time. Last time I didn't have a clue what I was doing. This time, I have a decent idea of what I'll want and need...and what I won't. Hoping to track down a nursing nightgown and some bras today. Finding them in my size for a reasonable price has been difficult.
I have no idea what position this baby is in. I am terrified of getting to my 36 week appointment and being told she is butt down. A c-section is the ABSOLUTE WORST CASE scenario. It would be bad enough if we were a normal, non-PCSing family, but moving 1400 miles in mid-late April would make it that much worse (within weeks of her birth). Driving would be a nightmare. I'm feeling movement all over the place, and there seems to be limbs in awkward areas. I'm checking out the Spinning Babies website and plan to start those exercises this week. But I hope she is head-down...we are getting to the wire as far as how much time she has to turn.
I'm in pain and uncomfortable, but I'm still not "done" being pregnant. This pregnancy has FLOWN by, and I don't feel ready at all. I don't know if I've even accepted that I will be having a little girl next's a little scary! And I have all these big plans for how things are going to go--cloth diapering is going to go great, I'm going to learn to breastfeed using a wrap so that I can keep my hands free to spend time with Ian. My biggest worry is definitely not being able to give Ian the time and attention that he still needs. I'm hoping that being able to involve him in everything will help with the transition for him, but I still have serious mommy-guilt about the whole bringing a new sibling into his life thing. He does seem excited about it, though. He tells me "I want to hug Baby Sister. But not too hard. I can't squeeze. That would hurt Baby Sister. And she can sleep in my bed if she wants." He is so sweet, I really can't wait to see him with her and to watch him be her protector as they get older.
Well, the kiddo is not taking kindly to my blogging this morning...I promised him we would bake some cupcakes and that we would go to the store today, so I should get to that. He keeps bringing me the cupcake cups; this last time they were no longer in their wrapper. I will close with pictures of the belly, taken yesterday at 32 weeks, 6 days. So far, I still only have the belly button piercing stretchmark I got with Ian. Let's hope it stays that way!

I have started packing our hospital bags. That has been relatively easy this time. Last time I didn't have a clue what I was doing. This time, I have a decent idea of what I'll want and need...and what I won't. Hoping to track down a nursing nightgown and some bras today. Finding them in my size for a reasonable price has been difficult.
I have no idea what position this baby is in. I am terrified of getting to my 36 week appointment and being told she is butt down. A c-section is the ABSOLUTE WORST CASE scenario. It would be bad enough if we were a normal, non-PCSing family, but moving 1400 miles in mid-late April would make it that much worse (within weeks of her birth). Driving would be a nightmare. I'm feeling movement all over the place, and there seems to be limbs in awkward areas. I'm checking out the Spinning Babies website and plan to start those exercises this week. But I hope she is head-down...we are getting to the wire as far as how much time she has to turn.
I'm in pain and uncomfortable, but I'm still not "done" being pregnant. This pregnancy has FLOWN by, and I don't feel ready at all. I don't know if I've even accepted that I will be having a little girl next's a little scary! And I have all these big plans for how things are going to go--cloth diapering is going to go great, I'm going to learn to breastfeed using a wrap so that I can keep my hands free to spend time with Ian. My biggest worry is definitely not being able to give Ian the time and attention that he still needs. I'm hoping that being able to involve him in everything will help with the transition for him, but I still have serious mommy-guilt about the whole bringing a new sibling into his life thing. He does seem excited about it, though. He tells me "I want to hug Baby Sister. But not too hard. I can't squeeze. That would hurt Baby Sister. And she can sleep in my bed if she wants." He is so sweet, I really can't wait to see him with her and to watch him be her protector as they get older.
Well, the kiddo is not taking kindly to my blogging this morning...I promised him we would bake some cupcakes and that we would go to the store today, so I should get to that. He keeps bringing me the cupcake cups; this last time they were no longer in their wrapper. I will close with pictures of the belly, taken yesterday at 32 weeks, 6 days. So far, I still only have the belly button piercing stretchmark I got with Ian. Let's hope it stays that way!
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