I had my 24-week appointment last week. I am now GAINING weight, so everyone is happy. My weight gain is following Ian's almost exactly. I started at 127 3/4 with him, and was at 136 3/4 at 24 weeks. This time, I started at 127 even and was at 136 even...so exactly 9 pounds gained at 24 weeks with both babies. I think I'm on track for another 30 pound pregnancy, which is just perfect. If I continue following my Ian pattern, I will gain another 6 pounds between now and December 29 (my 28 week appointment). Doc said to just keep doing what I'm doing--I'm healthy and my weight is perfect. Yay!
Fundal height was exactly 24cm, so also perfect. Blood pressure is still normal, I'm very thankful for that. I was actually surprised to have good BP since I had spent 20 minutes looking for a spot before parking on an unmarked curb, practically running to the entrance, then being angry because I was not checking in 15 minutes early, but right on time...on the day I had to get out of there on time to pick Ian up from school to avoid a $1/minute late charge. And of course they took my BP within two minutes of walking in, so I was sure it would be out of control.
Next appointment is the 29th, and on the 27th or 28th I have to do my GTT (glucose tolerance test) and some labwork to make sure my iron and all that is normal. The third trimester is creeping up--just over three weeks to go! It actually starts on hubby's birthday, the 31st, so that will be an exciting day. :)
And now, the belly:
I am losing my belly button...it is going flat on me, so I know it's only a matter of time before it pokes out. Uterus is almost to my ribs, so in the next few weeks I should start to pop out and really show...takes a little longer with my long torso. ;) I was about 28 weeks when people started to really notice I was pregnant with Ian, so I'm expecting to "pop" right around then this time, too.
Cute belly!! :)