I will be 28 weeks tomorrow...only +/- 12 weeks until we get to meet the Little Miss. I know it's going to go so quickly, it's almost scary.
Had my GTT test on the 28th (two days ago) and got my results at my appointment yesterday. I passed it with no problems (yay!) along with my other labwork (checked my iron and urine). My fundal height was 28, so perfect, I have gained 16lbs, bringing me up to 143, and Little Girl is breech. She still has plenty of time to turn, and she had better do it! I have until 36 weeks before they worry about it, so if at my next appointment (32 weeks) she is still facing the wrong way I will start the exercises to help get her in the right position. And I am so not opposed to asking for an awful, painful external version to attempt to turn her and avoid a c-section...though hopefully it doesn't come to that!
I have realized that I really need to get on the ball and start purchasing things for her arrival. We have most of the big stuff--place for her to sleep, carseat, etc--but the smallest article of clothing we have is 6 months. So I really need to get her some clothes. I have no real excuse...there are plenty of newborn+ lots on Craigslist and braggyardsales for very reasonable prices, I just haven't bothered to inquire about any of them yet. I need to make sure the clothes are for the right season-Spring/Summer-since we'll be here in North Carolina when she is born and then head off to Texas in April. Both places get very warm very early, and stay very warm for a very long time.
I also haven't gotten any of my birthing supplies. I need my exercise ball, nursing nightgown(s), some more wool socks, Depends (if you haven't given birth, trust me...Depends are a good buy!)...I think that's about it. I need to load up my IPod with labor friendly music, too.
So my goal over the next four weeks is to order the last couple of things I need for newborn diapering, to buy her newborn-3 months clothing, to pick out her coming home outfit, and to get my birthing supplies ready. She's going to be here so soon!
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
99 Days!
That's right, double digits--the lil' miss is due in 99 short days! I know it will be here so much faster than I realize!
Some pictures of the belly to remember this awesome day (and my sweet little boy had to be in on the action, of course):

This week has been PAINFUL. I've gotten all sorts of pregnant comments, some that I mentioned in a previous post, so apparently all that pain has been the little one and I growing. Ouch!
My belly button is doing the "super cute" thing it did with Ian--the top half is popping out while the bottom stays in/flat. I think I'd prefer if the entire thing could decide to do one thing or the other, but oh well.
Here is the first, and currently only, little girl thing I have bought:

If she's like her mommy and big brother, she is going to be bald. For a long time. And when she does have hair, it will be transparent...and short. Headwraps are a must. ;)
My diaper stash is almost complete, which is exciting! I just got 12 Bum Genius 3.0 one size pockets for $50...they are about $18/each new. They need the velcro replaced on them, but my sister-in-law is a fantastic sewer and has said she will do it for me. Hopefully it's an easy fix, but for a savings of almost $200 over buying new...well, even if I have to HAND SEW the velcro on there, it will be worth it.
Some pictures of the belly to remember this awesome day (and my sweet little boy had to be in on the action, of course):
This week has been PAINFUL. I've gotten all sorts of pregnant comments, some that I mentioned in a previous post, so apparently all that pain has been the little one and I growing. Ouch!
My belly button is doing the "super cute" thing it did with Ian--the top half is popping out while the bottom stays in/flat. I think I'd prefer if the entire thing could decide to do one thing or the other, but oh well.
Here is the first, and currently only, little girl thing I have bought:
If she's like her mommy and big brother, she is going to be bald. For a long time. And when she does have hair, it will be transparent...and short. Headwraps are a must. ;)
My diaper stash is almost complete, which is exciting! I just got 12 Bum Genius 3.0 one size pockets for $50...they are about $18/each new. They need the velcro replaced on them, but my sister-in-law is a fantastic sewer and has said she will do it for me. Hopefully it's an easy fix, but for a savings of almost $200 over buying new...well, even if I have to HAND SEW the velcro on there, it will be worth it.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
25 1/2 weeks
I don't know what happened, but 20 weeks hit and suddenly this pregnancy is FLYING. I'm sure Thanksgiving and Christmas had a little something to do with it. In less than three weeks, I will be in my third trimester--crazy!
I think Lil' Miss must have hit a growth spurt. I've been unsatiably hungry the last few days and yesterday Ian said to me "Wow, Mommy. Your belly is BIG". He hadn't said a thing about my belly until then, and now today he followed it up with "Your belly is getting really big. You can't drive? The baby is gonna come out?" I don't know where he came up with not driving, but he definitely made me smile--he can be pretty cute. ;)
I'm going to tell a secret: our front running name is Teagan Ella. I like it and I don't, and here are my reasons. 1. Teagan and Ian sound very similar. I'm imagining yelling at them for dinner/to stop fighting/to get off the dog/etc. It just doesn't flow well. 2. When we came up with Ian's name, I just knew--that's his name. Teagan hasn't hit me that way, at least not yet. It wasn't an instant "that's it" at all. 3. I'm getting my little girl. The name just doesn't seem "girly" enough, as silly as that probably is. Ella is non-negotiable--it's the name of my great-grandmother who passed away 5 years ago.
So, my "job" is to keep looking for names. But, so far, I haven't found anything I like more than Teagan. 3 months to keep looking...I'll figure it out.
In other news, I LOST one of my eBay auctions. I was so angry about it, too! I had been the top bidder for 2 days, I checked it one hour before it was up and I was still winning (by a lot...my max bid was $20 and we were only up to $15.50...where we had been for TWO DAYS), I go to the grocery store and then come home to find that I lost. Some sneaky woman snuck in there and stole my diaper covers. :p But, the good news is that I did win one. I got 14 barely used prefolds for $22.95 (that was with shipping). And then I found 12 more newborn, organic, prepped only (means they were washed several times to fluff them out and get them ready for use but never used) for $22 with shipping. So my 26 prefolds combined with my small all-in-ones and small pockets mean I am about set for the newborn stage--woo-hoo! Will probably need more covers, though, and I still need to make the supplies purchases--wipes, liners, wet bags, diaper pail, pins, Snappis, etc. But those don't count as newborn necessities...those will stick with us until this baby potty learns and until the next one (fingers crossed) does as well. ;)
I think Lil' Miss must have hit a growth spurt. I've been unsatiably hungry the last few days and yesterday Ian said to me "Wow, Mommy. Your belly is BIG". He hadn't said a thing about my belly until then, and now today he followed it up with "Your belly is getting really big. You can't drive? The baby is gonna come out?" I don't know where he came up with not driving, but he definitely made me smile--he can be pretty cute. ;)
I'm going to tell a secret: our front running name is Teagan Ella. I like it and I don't, and here are my reasons. 1. Teagan and Ian sound very similar. I'm imagining yelling at them for dinner/to stop fighting/to get off the dog/etc. It just doesn't flow well. 2. When we came up with Ian's name, I just knew--that's his name. Teagan hasn't hit me that way, at least not yet. It wasn't an instant "that's it" at all. 3. I'm getting my little girl. The name just doesn't seem "girly" enough, as silly as that probably is. Ella is non-negotiable--it's the name of my great-grandmother who passed away 5 years ago.
So, my "job" is to keep looking for names. But, so far, I haven't found anything I like more than Teagan. 3 months to keep looking...I'll figure it out.
In other news, I LOST one of my eBay auctions. I was so angry about it, too! I had been the top bidder for 2 days, I checked it one hour before it was up and I was still winning (by a lot...my max bid was $20 and we were only up to $15.50...where we had been for TWO DAYS), I go to the grocery store and then come home to find that I lost. Some sneaky woman snuck in there and stole my diaper covers. :p But, the good news is that I did win one. I got 14 barely used prefolds for $22.95 (that was with shipping). And then I found 12 more newborn, organic, prepped only (means they were washed several times to fluff them out and get them ready for use but never used) for $22 with shipping. So my 26 prefolds combined with my small all-in-ones and small pockets mean I am about set for the newborn stage--woo-hoo! Will probably need more covers, though, and I still need to make the supplies purchases--wipes, liners, wet bags, diaper pail, pins, Snappis, etc. But those don't count as newborn necessities...those will stick with us until this baby potty learns and until the next one (fingers crossed) does as well. ;)
Sunday, December 12, 2010
New addiction--eBay
I am trying very hard to buy my newborn diaper stash used. Based on Ian's size at birth, I don't expect newborn prefolds/covers to fit Little Girl for more than 6-8 weeks...tops. I've been checking diaperswappers several times a day for the prefolds I want. I just read on another board that they are hard to get used for a couple of reasons: 1. Everybody loves them so much they don't sell them, and 2. When somebody does sell them there are about 40 mamas trying to get to them. I've thought I was "first" trying to get a couple dozen, but the stinking site won't let me PM so I'm pretty sure I'm missing out by having to post on the thread. I'm getting frustrated. The only ones I seem to stand a chance at are the ones I complained about before--the used ones that cost as much or more than the new ones.
So, I wandered over to eBay. I am currently the top bidder for three newborn Thirsties covers at $15.50 (they are $11/each new--auction ends in 6 hours), and 12 GMD newborn prefolds plus two size small Swaddlebees prefolds at $11.50 (they are $21 for the GMD new...dont' know the price of the Swaddlebees--auction ends in 9 hours). I've been the leader for a couple of days, so hoping no one comes in and scoops these up! :)
Buying cloth diapers is fun. Buying them for a good price is much MORE fun. ;)
So, I wandered over to eBay. I am currently the top bidder for three newborn Thirsties covers at $15.50 (they are $11/each new--auction ends in 6 hours), and 12 GMD newborn prefolds plus two size small Swaddlebees prefolds at $11.50 (they are $21 for the GMD new...dont' know the price of the Swaddlebees--auction ends in 9 hours). I've been the leader for a couple of days, so hoping no one comes in and scoops these up! :)
Buying cloth diapers is fun. Buying them for a good price is much MORE fun. ;)
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
If baby were born now, she would have about a 40% chance of survival. And since I'm closer to 25 weeks than 24 weeks at this point (oops), she is actually nearing a 50% chance of surviving outside of the womb. Of course, we're hoping she spends at least another 12 weeks right where she is, getting big and strong and ready to come home with us.
I had my 24-week appointment last week. I am now GAINING weight, so everyone is happy. My weight gain is following Ian's almost exactly. I started at 127 3/4 with him, and was at 136 3/4 at 24 weeks. This time, I started at 127 even and was at 136 even...so exactly 9 pounds gained at 24 weeks with both babies. I think I'm on track for another 30 pound pregnancy, which is just perfect. If I continue following my Ian pattern, I will gain another 6 pounds between now and December 29 (my 28 week appointment). Doc said to just keep doing what I'm doing--I'm healthy and my weight is perfect. Yay!
Fundal height was exactly 24cm, so also perfect. Blood pressure is still normal, I'm very thankful for that. I was actually surprised to have good BP since I had spent 20 minutes looking for a spot before parking on an unmarked curb, practically running to the entrance, then being angry because I was not checking in 15 minutes early, but right on time...on the day I had to get out of there on time to pick Ian up from school to avoid a $1/minute late charge. And of course they took my BP within two minutes of walking in, so I was sure it would be out of control.
Next appointment is the 29th, and on the 27th or 28th I have to do my GTT (glucose tolerance test) and some labwork to make sure my iron and all that is normal. The third trimester is creeping up--just over three weeks to go! It actually starts on hubby's birthday, the 31st, so that will be an exciting day. :)
And now, the belly:

I am losing my belly button...it is going flat on me, so I know it's only a matter of time before it pokes out. Uterus is almost to my ribs, so in the next few weeks I should start to pop out and really show...takes a little longer with my long torso. ;) I was about 28 weeks when people started to really notice I was pregnant with Ian, so I'm expecting to "pop" right around then this time, too.
I had my 24-week appointment last week. I am now GAINING weight, so everyone is happy. My weight gain is following Ian's almost exactly. I started at 127 3/4 with him, and was at 136 3/4 at 24 weeks. This time, I started at 127 even and was at 136 even...so exactly 9 pounds gained at 24 weeks with both babies. I think I'm on track for another 30 pound pregnancy, which is just perfect. If I continue following my Ian pattern, I will gain another 6 pounds between now and December 29 (my 28 week appointment). Doc said to just keep doing what I'm doing--I'm healthy and my weight is perfect. Yay!
Fundal height was exactly 24cm, so also perfect. Blood pressure is still normal, I'm very thankful for that. I was actually surprised to have good BP since I had spent 20 minutes looking for a spot before parking on an unmarked curb, practically running to the entrance, then being angry because I was not checking in 15 minutes early, but right on time...on the day I had to get out of there on time to pick Ian up from school to avoid a $1/minute late charge. And of course they took my BP within two minutes of walking in, so I was sure it would be out of control.
Next appointment is the 29th, and on the 27th or 28th I have to do my GTT (glucose tolerance test) and some labwork to make sure my iron and all that is normal. The third trimester is creeping up--just over three weeks to go! It actually starts on hubby's birthday, the 31st, so that will be an exciting day. :)
And now, the belly:
I am losing my belly button...it is going flat on me, so I know it's only a matter of time before it pokes out. Uterus is almost to my ribs, so in the next few weeks I should start to pop out and really show...takes a little longer with my long torso. ;) I was about 28 weeks when people started to really notice I was pregnant with Ian, so I'm expecting to "pop" right around then this time, too.
My first cloth diapers arrived yesterday. It was so exciting to open up that box and see what I had gotten, since I did a "grab bag" type thing for Cyber Monday and had NO IDEA what would be coming. So, for $39.80 I got:
Swaddlebees Econappi one-size pocket (retail $26.95--pics are small setting, large setting, and inside):

Happy Heiny's size small pocket (retail $18.95):

Bum Genius size small all-in-one (retail $15.95):

Econobum one-size cover and prefold (retail $9.95--pics are small setting, large setting, and inside with prefold):

And with the diapers, I also got some Flip diaper disposable inserts ($4.95), Bum Genius doublers ($4.95), odor remover ($5.99) and bottom cleaner ($7.95):

Retail total: $95.64. Again, I paid: $39.80. Total savings: $55.84!! The diapers alone retail $71.80, so even if I don't use the "extras" I got a great deal. Gotta love Cyber Monday. ;)
My first thoughts (keep in mind these are from someone who has never actually used a cloth diaper on a baby):
Swaddlebees: Love it. Inside is really soft. The insert is cool, it folds and snaps to the different sizes. HOWEVER, the smallest setting on the insert is still really big when trying to put it into the smallest setting of the diaper. Will likely need to order different inserts for small size.
Happy Heiny's: Again, inside is SUPER soft. Love that it's purplish despite my requesting boy colors (didn't know baby girl was a girl when I ordered!). Didn't know that Happy Heiny's pockets do not include insert, so will have to order some. Not a biggy...have to get inserts for the Swaddlebees anyway.
Bum Genius: Hazen's favorite. He wants them ALL to be like THAT. It's like a disposable diaper, nothing special to do to it. Put it on, take it off, put it in pail. However, all-in-ones (AIOs) take a long time to dry. So I've convinced him to allow me to order extra Bum Genius one-size pocket diapers as opposed to AIOs. Will be just as easy for him since I'll be the one dealing with the insert anyway.
Econobum: I like the cover. It really does get pretty small, which impresses me. Still not sure it will fit a newborn, but I've read great reviews on the cover as a whole, so hopeful it will at least contain the messes when baby fits in it. The prefold is HUGE and I'm sure that won't comfortably fit a newborn. Even with folding it in the diaper the way the instructions suggest, it's huge and doesn't really fit well in the cover. Will be using the Green Mountain Diapers prefolds with this cover...the econobum one can be a burp cloth. ;)
Flip inserts: Was debating whether I should try the Flip system (covers with disposable or reusable inserts) but now I'm committed! Hoping to be able to use the covers with disposable inserts when traveling, and then use the reusable inserts otherwise. Also wondering if they will work as a cover for prefolds. Hmmm.
Other stuff: don't know much about it! I like the doublers, but my newborn prefolds can be used as doublers as well. So I might have an abundance of doublers! The deodorizer and bottom cleaner are things I haven't seen before, so need to figure out what they are and how likely I am to use them.
Swaddlebees Econappi one-size pocket (retail $26.95--pics are small setting, large setting, and inside):
Happy Heiny's size small pocket (retail $18.95):
Bum Genius size small all-in-one (retail $15.95):
Econobum one-size cover and prefold (retail $9.95--pics are small setting, large setting, and inside with prefold):
And with the diapers, I also got some Flip diaper disposable inserts ($4.95), Bum Genius doublers ($4.95), odor remover ($5.99) and bottom cleaner ($7.95):
Retail total: $95.64. Again, I paid: $39.80. Total savings: $55.84!! The diapers alone retail $71.80, so even if I don't use the "extras" I got a great deal. Gotta love Cyber Monday. ;)
My first thoughts (keep in mind these are from someone who has never actually used a cloth diaper on a baby):
Swaddlebees: Love it. Inside is really soft. The insert is cool, it folds and snaps to the different sizes. HOWEVER, the smallest setting on the insert is still really big when trying to put it into the smallest setting of the diaper. Will likely need to order different inserts for small size.
Happy Heiny's: Again, inside is SUPER soft. Love that it's purplish despite my requesting boy colors (didn't know baby girl was a girl when I ordered!). Didn't know that Happy Heiny's pockets do not include insert, so will have to order some. Not a biggy...have to get inserts for the Swaddlebees anyway.
Bum Genius: Hazen's favorite. He wants them ALL to be like THAT. It's like a disposable diaper, nothing special to do to it. Put it on, take it off, put it in pail. However, all-in-ones (AIOs) take a long time to dry. So I've convinced him to allow me to order extra Bum Genius one-size pocket diapers as opposed to AIOs. Will be just as easy for him since I'll be the one dealing with the insert anyway.
Econobum: I like the cover. It really does get pretty small, which impresses me. Still not sure it will fit a newborn, but I've read great reviews on the cover as a whole, so hopeful it will at least contain the messes when baby fits in it. The prefold is HUGE and I'm sure that won't comfortably fit a newborn. Even with folding it in the diaper the way the instructions suggest, it's huge and doesn't really fit well in the cover. Will be using the Green Mountain Diapers prefolds with this cover...the econobum one can be a burp cloth. ;)
Flip inserts: Was debating whether I should try the Flip system (covers with disposable or reusable inserts) but now I'm committed! Hoping to be able to use the covers with disposable inserts when traveling, and then use the reusable inserts otherwise. Also wondering if they will work as a cover for prefolds. Hmmm.
Other stuff: don't know much about it! I like the doublers, but my newborn prefolds can be used as doublers as well. So I might have an abundance of doublers! The deodorizer and bottom cleaner are things I haven't seen before, so need to figure out what they are and how likely I am to use them.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Ultrasound tonight!!! And some diaper stuff
Sooo unbelievably excited. I really don't know how I'm supposed to make it through the day. 10pm for an ultrasound is just cruel. Planning to keep as busy as possible--playdate at 10:30 this morning (which I should be getting ready for), then home to work on Ian's "family tree" for school tomorrow, two hours of Biggest Loser when hubby gets home (it's on until 11pm here now...ridiculous!), Financial Peace University from 7 to 9ish, then back to base by 9:45 to check in. Hopefully that will keep us busy enough to distract from the loooooong wait today!
In other news, I made my first cloth diaper purchase. Cotton Babies (the maker of Bum Genius, Flip, Fuzzibunz, etc) was having a Black Friday/Cyber Monday sale. They were selling grab bags of one diaper and one accessory for $9.95, with a guaranteed savings of 30-35%...not bad! So I went ahead and ordered four of those. The trick, though, is that I don't know what I'm getting. The diapers can be an all-in-one, pocket, fitted, or one-size cover. Hoping to get a little variety since I'm new to cloth diapering and want to try everything. The downside is that I had to choose boy or girl for the sex when I ordered on Monday...I DON'T KNOW!! So I clicked boy and requested gender neutral if possible in the notes. I figure blue on a girl will be better than pink on a boy.
In other CD news, some people irritate me. I've been checking out diaperswappers, a very cool site to sell your used diapers, but there are tons of girls on there who sell their used diapers for MORE than the cost of buying them new. Seriously? All the good deals I've found get swiped up really quickly (obviously) and I'm left with the ones trying to sell a dozen newborn prefolds for $35...they retail at $21. Granted, if I order them from the site there is a flat shipping charge of $6-something, but since I'm ordering quite a few things from there anyway, $6 for shipping is extremely reasonable. So no luck yet with diaperswappers, but I will keep searching. Planning to order my newborn kit this week, so will have to keep my eyes open for the next size up, Snappis, wet bags, etc.
Oh, and I've heard people say cloth diapering is addictive. I didn't understand it...a diaper is a diaper, right? Yeah, not so much...this CD stuff totally IS addicting. :p
Will update with pictures and hopefully GENDER tomorrow--cannot wait!
In other news, I made my first cloth diaper purchase. Cotton Babies (the maker of Bum Genius, Flip, Fuzzibunz, etc) was having a Black Friday/Cyber Monday sale. They were selling grab bags of one diaper and one accessory for $9.95, with a guaranteed savings of 30-35%...not bad! So I went ahead and ordered four of those. The trick, though, is that I don't know what I'm getting. The diapers can be an all-in-one, pocket, fitted, or one-size cover. Hoping to get a little variety since I'm new to cloth diapering and want to try everything. The downside is that I had to choose boy or girl for the sex when I ordered on Monday...I DON'T KNOW!! So I clicked boy and requested gender neutral if possible in the notes. I figure blue on a girl will be better than pink on a boy.
In other CD news, some people irritate me. I've been checking out diaperswappers, a very cool site to sell your used diapers, but there are tons of girls on there who sell their used diapers for MORE than the cost of buying them new. Seriously? All the good deals I've found get swiped up really quickly (obviously) and I'm left with the ones trying to sell a dozen newborn prefolds for $35...they retail at $21. Granted, if I order them from the site there is a flat shipping charge of $6-something, but since I'm ordering quite a few things from there anyway, $6 for shipping is extremely reasonable. So no luck yet with diaperswappers, but I will keep searching. Planning to order my newborn kit this week, so will have to keep my eyes open for the next size up, Snappis, wet bags, etc.
Oh, and I've heard people say cloth diapering is addictive. I didn't understand it...a diaper is a diaper, right? Yeah, not so much...this CD stuff totally IS addicting. :p
Will update with pictures and hopefully GENDER tomorrow--cannot wait!
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