A no-holds-barred, TMI blog on our struggles with secondary infertility. Not for the squeamish!
Friday, November 5, 2010
20 weeks--halfway!!
Not much to say beyond that. Just really excited to hit the 20-week mark. In 4 weeks, I will hit the age of viability. I really can't wait to reach that milestone. :)
Thought I should add some pics of the belly. And, for comparison, a pic of 20 weeks with Ian.
January 2008: First postpartum period after birth of son in August 2006. Lasts 6 weeks and am put on Nuva Ring to stop bleeding.
May 2008: Stop NuvaRing to ready body for TTC #2.
May 2008-September 2008: Not trying, not preventing.
October 2008: Decide to officially try for second baby! Charts over the next few months show fluctuating ovulation dates and alternating anovulatory cyles (ovulatory, non-ovulatory, ovulatory, etc).
April 2009: Annual pap. Tell NP we have been TTC for one year. She asks if I'd like referral or to wait a couple more months. Decide since we just started actively trying in October, we will wait.
May 2009: Decide I don't want to wait and ask for referral. First appointment scheduled for June.
June 2009: Meet OB and he suggests HSG. Tells me to call during my next period to schedule since it has to be done by day 10 of cycle. Unfortunately June period lasts for over 2 weeks, fluctuating between spotting to actual bleeding. Put on Prometrium to stop bleeding and start next period.
July 2009: HSG reveals a blocked and dilated left tube. Doctor suspects hydrosalpinx and recommends removal of tube. We decide to wait as it won't further harm my fertility (though likely will keep me from getting pregnant) and hubby is still unemployed. Hubby has first S/A which shows "not bad, but not good" numbers. Mediocre count, low motility and morphology.
September 2009: Change mind on waiting for tube removal, and schedule surgery for Sep. 11. Endometriosis is discovered and scar tissue causing blockage is removed from tube--both tubes are left intact! Endometriosis is cauterized and doctor says we are good to continue trying in a few days.
November 2009: Hubby has repeat S/A. Shows improved count and morphology, but motility is still on the low end (41%) and liquefaction is poor.
December 2009-April 2010: Continue trying naturally.
May 2010: Have annual with new doctor in new place (moved with the Air Force). Mention we have been TTC for over two years and am given referral to RE on base. Long wait list, am told it will be at least July or as far as August before I am seen. Switch from storebrand 2% milk to organic whole milk and begin canning my own tomatoes. Also try Preseed for the first time. May cycle is 42 days and anovulatory.
June/July 2010: Continue with no pre-canned tomatoes and organic whole milk. Go on vacation to DC and am shocked with a positive OPK on CD 15. Get another on CD 16 and ovulation is confirmed on chart. Test on July 11 and get a BFN. Next day, July 12, get two positive ICs. Follow that with two positive FRERs and then a positive CBE digital--we're pregnant!!
July 2010: Have ultrasound at 5 1/2 weeks due to spotting and cramping. See a gestational sac and yolk sac...all looks good.
August 2010: Have second ultrasound at 6 1/2 weeks to make sure there is a viable pregnancy and no ectopic. We see one sac with a fetal pole and heartbeat of 140! EDD is March 25, 2011.
This blog was started to chronicle our problems conceiving baby #2. I called it "secondary infertility", though honestly it didn't qualify as it took us quite awhile for our first, too (28 months and one miscarriage). After 26 months, we are now expecting our second miracle in March, and we are so excited!
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