I took a OPK on 5dpo because I'm obsessed with peeing on things and I had a couple left. I got a fairly dark line. So yesterday, 7dpo, I went ahead and peed on another one--another fairly dark line, slightly darker than the one on 5dpo. Progressing OPKs in the TWW can be a good thing, though I'm doing it way too early and probably looking too much into it.
Here are the OPKs--the top is 5dpo and the bottom is 7dpo. It's hard to see a difference in the picture, and the difference was more obvious when they were wet, but 7dpo is slightly darker (and I'm now out of OPKs, so this "experiment" has come to an end):
And here is yesterday's HPT that I took like a crazy person. Yes, it's negative:
So, my "symptoms". These are not things I've been looking for, but they've been unmistakable when they've happened. At 3dpo, I had very sharp and low cramping/pains off and on all day. It alternated from side to side, mostly on the right, but switching to the left enough to make me stop freaking out about an ectopic (my miscarriage was ruled a possible ectopic, so I get a little paranoid about them now). They were very low in my pelvis, like almost touching the tops of my legs is how low these pains were. They were also very sharp, taking my breath away a couple of times. They continued through part of 4dpo, then stopped and were replaced by some dull menstrual-like cramping. Nothing too uncomfortable, though, and the cramping is very minimal now.
The other just started today. This is TMI, but my boobs are pretty sore only around my nipples. I can't even explain the way it feels, though. It's like it's near the surface, but it also feels deeper at the same time. They don't hurt if I poke at them or anything, it's just like an internal pain. It's not something I remember feeling before. I'm hoping that new is good.
So, that's it. Hoping to hold out on testing for a few more days, but I know myself too well to think I'll actually do it. ;)
FX for you this cycle!! Your symptoms sound so promising! :)