We’ve been keeping all of this pretty quiet, but I don’t believe I have many readers that don’t already know that we’re trying to get pregnant. If you’re squeamish about baby making, you probably don’t want to read any further. ;)
So, yes, we have been actively trying for #2 since October (about 8 months now). We have been inactively trying since June-ish (about a year). My cycles have been very irregular, ranging from 27-37 days in length. That’s not too much of a concern, but what is a concern is that I am either not ovulating at all or else ovulating between day 15 and 24, and my luteal phase (the part of the cycle from ovulation to period; from period to ovulation is the follicular phase) is ranging between 10 and 14 days. The luteal phase (LP) should be pretty consistent, with only a day or so variance from cycle to cycle, if anything. Ovulation can be sporadic, but having a 10 day window where it may or may not happen makes timing difficult. We have very consistently been timing things very well (the “best” days are the three days before ovulation and the day of; we generally get three days in that window), and still pregnancy has not been achieved. I had my annual exam in April and mentioned that we weren’t getting pregnant. I might have fluffed it a bit and said we’d been trying for a year. ;) I got the okay to call an RE (Reproductive Endocrinologist) whenever I wanted, but Hazen and I decided to give it another cycle.
Unfortunately, during my April/May cycle I ended up spotting for 10 days in the middle. I had to go back to the doctor and had my thyroid tested. I was tested Thursday afternoon, and called Friday for the results—the doctor was out. I had to call again on Monday afternoon and was finally given my results—my thyroid is fine. It’s a 2.03 or something (the number should be between .5 and 3). I ended up not ovulating that cycle, but was told that when my next cycle started I should call and set up a 21 day progesterone check.
Fast forward to this cycle. First, I needed to use some ovulation tests (OPKs) in addition to my temping (you can check out
http://www.fertilityfriend.com/ if you’d like more information on that) to pinpoint my ovulation day. Since my o date is so sporadic, I didn’t bother to take any tests until day 14—it was positive. I was shocked. The next 5 days continued to be more and more positive. This is odd for me since I normally have two days of positives—the day before and the day of ovulation. So right there my cycle was weird and unpredictable and I had no idea when to expect ovulation.
I did have my 21 day progesterone check earlier this week. I went in at 8:45 Wednesday morning and had my blood drawn. I was told they would call with the results. I didn’t hear back on Thursday, but decided to wait until Friday morning so I wouldn’t be seen as pushy. Guess what? Doctor wasn’t in. Supposedly I’ll get a phone call on Monday with my results, which sucks. Oh well. The weekend should pass quickly—it always does. The next step is that if I’m not pregnant this cycle (I’ll be testing next Fridayish, 12dpo—days past ovulation), I will call and speak to an RE and figure out what the next step is. From the research I’ve done, that will include a sperm analysis, a complete bloods workup, an ultrasound, and possibly an HSG (this is an x-ray of the uterus and fallopian tubes; a dye is injected that will appear on the screen and shows if there is any blockage in the tubes or abnormalities in the uterus). Hopefully we don’t have to go that route.